SUNY Polytechnic Institute Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY Polytechnic Institute know before they start?


Its all about where both the parent and student is most comfortable. ( LIKE HOME) A place where they both can relate, and can discuss easily about their options. Although the choice should be determined by the student, if the parent is providing funds, the choice should be only influenced by the parents minimum. If the student does not feel comfortatble within their major selection as well as their surroundings, usually the outcome does not end well.


Find out the demographics of the school. The ratio of men to women can make a difference.


Parents and students should really think hard about what school they wish to enroll in. Every school is different so taking the time to visit and get to know the faculty before making your decision is a very important part of the school selection process. Students should set their sights on a school that has what they are looking for in all areas of campus life: housing, meal plans, classes, class size, extracurricular activities, and other students. Parents should look for schools that would give their children a good degree and that fit within the familys budget. When both parents and students settle on a school that works for both of them, chances are that would be the best choice for the student.


To find the right college you need to visit the college, talk to students there, and actually go see the dorms and eat the college food. From a college student, the food that they will give you on an orientation day or on a special day is not the same as an ordinary day at college. To make the most out opf a college experince, look outside the box. .my Friends and i every Sunday go on a hike in the woods. We dont follow any paths just walk the creek and take a few hours off campus to just enjoy life. We do alot of stupid things out in the woods but we always have fun and Record alot of it. College is supposed to be Fun yet you still need to Focus on Learning. Make sure the Campus has a Good Tutor program and has a great staff willing to help you when you have problems and are there when you need them for afterschool work. Working during college for a job is hard to do, so try to work jharder all summer so you can relax during College and not worry about financial needs.


Finding the right college was my main goal throughout my senior year. I am the first in my family to attend college and therefore had no idea what I was looking for. My only focus was being able to afford the tuition and soon realized that living at home would be the cheapest, so I needed a school close to home. For the past three years I have worked full time and have attended college full time in order to remain debt free and to make the most of my college experience and have unfortunately missed out on the typical college experience. If I could give any advice to students it would be to focus on your dreams and goals. Look for a college that can help you reach your fullest potential. You want a school where you can feel safe to pursue your dreams and to expand your knowledge and ideals. College is a great chance to expand your horizons, meet new people, make new friends, experience different cultures, and to learn a lot about yourself. Make sure you spend as muc time needed to make sure you and your parents find the right school for you.


I would tell a student to choose a school based on location first. No matter where a student may go, if he or she becomes homesick or doesn't want to be too close, that student will be miserable while on campus. A student also has to think about diversity. If the student keeps meeting the same type of people, when he or she reaches the workforce, the student will experience a culture shock.


Talk to you guidance counselor in high school to fiind out what you want to do. Then search for colleges that meet your academic and athletic expectations. When you narrow down some choices, go visit the college. It is okay if you have more than a few choices because this is your future. You need ot ba able to make an informed decision. Ask students who go to the school and meet faculty when you visit. When you find the college you like, embrace the experience. Engage yourself in all activities of interest and hit the ground running academically. Enjoy your college experience and make the most out of it. Get to know your felow students and professors. You will be seeing them alot and they become almost like a second family.


In the past four years I have attended several different colleges. For many reasons I could not decide on a degree that I wanted to partake in. Jefferson to me was a good choice because it was a community college offered at a third of what most state colleges cost. They offer the same education as any other college would especially since your first two years at most college, is going to be Liberal Arts courses anyways. But the main thing is that even though the college is cheap; do not under estimate the coursework. In most cases we all tend to pick schools that our friends go to. I found that if you?re going to pick a college find one you like and that you re going to feel comfortable with for two to four years. On top of that make sure that you use every bit of help offered to you. In help, I mean tours, websites, and people at the college in general. Hopefully they will help in everyway possible to pick the right college. Just remember that even though college may be tough at first, things always work out in the end.


Make sure you visit many different schools to make sure you chose the best possible one for YOU.