One thing that is unique about this school compared with other schools is the school spirit. When there is an event , all the students will go specially if it is sports like basketball and Football.
I like the geographical location, and weather.
Well Syracuse University is huge and there are thousands of students here, what is unique about it though is how accomadating the school is to each and every single student, you would think it would be hard to accomadate over 12,000 students but nope, not for SU!
There is alot of school spirit at this school evern if our teams dont do as well. The amount of help that is given in this school really helps students adujst and feel comfortable. The competition gets tuff but in the end it all pays off. The weather really does affect your schoolwork, and the snow that we acquire in the winter makes people feel gloomy and such but overall it drives people to just keep going to class and trying to do thier best.
It had all the correct courses, and programs that allowed me to pursue the major that I wanted.
Syracuse University was the right choice for me first and for most because of its academics. Syracuse has well-known academic programs, which are demonstrated in the university?s prestigious name. Besides the academic side of the University, the area of Syracuse itself is another reason I was drawn to this school. The university itself has a sense of community from within; everyone is friendly and willing to socialize. While outside the university, the community is a widely diverse community situated within an urban setting. The setting was the main reason I chose Syracuse University.
Our school offers a lot more majors than other colleges. Students at Syracuse University really take advantage of this characteristic to find the profession they want to enter after trying many different classes.
Syracuse University is unique in so many different ways. I say that because Syracuse is full of diversity. I walk around campus and i see a variety of students not just one race. Not only is there diversity but there are so many programs that exist for students such as HEOP, SSP, OLU and many more. Organizations on campus for students allow opportunities for the future like internships, jobs, or even more organizations that help students prepare for interviews, setup resumes and maintain a great job. Syracuse is a place where no one is left behind nor are they unaccepted.
Although it seems large in terms of students attending and actual campus size, it can feel very small with the people you interact with and the things you actually do on campus
Well first starters, Syracuse University is welcoming and in other schools one does not feel that way at all. Also academics, to me it seems as if the classes im taking provide much more help so one could better themselves in writing,economics, math or calculus, so it seems as if no matter what class i take, there would always be someone there to help me. Also the pride that students have in being in this school. Also we have the best communication's program.