I wish I had known the amount of kids that were rich and made sure you knew they were, I'm not the kind of person that cares about status, I look for quality of people and when its the first thing you show off when you meet a person, I find it a turn off. For that reason alone makes me wish I went to another school.
I wish someone had told me to make friends with people that are outside of my college. Most of my friends are also engineers and that is fine but when it comes to going out to parties we tend to go to the same place so it gets boring after a while.
I wish I had known more about what I planned to major in. It was very easy to switch majors during my undergraduate career, but because I felt so aimless (and my advisors weren't incredibly helpful), it was hard for me to figure out where I truly belonged on campus.
I wish I had known all the resources available on campus. i would've used them better in my first semester. Also how to make a relationship with my professors and how important it is.
I wish I knew that pending upon the department that you choose to study in reflects how great the quality of education you will receive. The lack of support from staff other than the professors and research is very sparse.
I wish I had known how prestigious Newhouse really was because I would have appreciated my acceptance into the school more at the time.
When I came it wasn't that racially and ethnically diverse. Since, the campus has gotten a bit more diverse but it's still has a very long way to go. The campus is also very segregated.
I wish somebody had told me to go to Funk N' Waffles. It is an off campus waffle house that always plays awesome music, often has live shows and has the coolest atmosphere ever! I had always heard it was awesome but I didn't go until the end of the year, and I had gone earlier.
Before I came to Syracuse, I wish I had known how vital it is to budget. When I first came to school, I managed my first semester with a $200 budget from summer work money. The next semester, however, I lost control and ended up spending the other $400 I had left from the summer. I ran out of money before school was over, and I had no money when I came home. Now, I am learning that there have to be spending limits and I have to learn to say no to my friends' costly plans.
I wish that I had known that the school's social life is heavily reliant on sorority and fraternity life. I do not identify myself as the kind of girl who would kill to be in a sorority so my social life is very limited when it comes to weekends.