I wish I had truly known how extreme the weather is in Syracuse. You have to really be able to withstand the cold weather otherwise you'll be miserable. I also wish I knew more about the type of student body the university attracts. A lot of the people are very alike, and I thought it would be much more diverse.
How cold it really got
I wish I had known more about scholarships and grants because Syracuse Unoversity's tuition is CRAZY!!!
If you are going to live in a town away from home, Syracuse is not an interesting place. Pick an area more exciting with better activities outside the university unless you are only interested in an on-campus life. Also, students have very little academic curiosity. Most are not driven for anything besides grades and are not focused on their classes unless it is exam week. Many other schools know how to have fun, but also focus on schoolwork and genuinely want to learn.
I wish I had known that many of my scholarships would only be good for one year, that tuition would increase each year, and that four year scholarships are nearly impossible to apply for when you are no longer a senior in high school. I also wish I had known that living at home with family can actually make school more difficult because of the responsibilities you still owe to those relationships even though you are swamped with schoolwork.
I wish had been made aware of the fact that you cannot rush a sorority as a first semester transfer. Despite the fact that I am a second semester sophomore, have attended UNC-Chapel Hill for three semesters, and maintained a high GPA there, I was not allowed to rush this semester. With rush being a large part of the social scene, I felt this policy barred transfer students from a campus activity available to the rest of the student population.
Many of the students come from money whereas I do not. I come from a small town with average earning families and Syracuse University has taught me how extreme differences with regard to money there is in the world. The majority of students don't have to think about loans or debts and it makes me work harder to make sure I can keep up.
I wish I had known that due to the amount of money my parents make I would be unable to get an on-campus job. This is also true of most schools I applied to.
That Syracuse would not give me any merit-based scholarship even though my GPA over the last three semesters here is a 3.97