Temple University Top Questions

Describe how Temple University looks to someone who's never seen it.


My school provided me with the opportunity to study in a comfortable, vibrant environment in the field of my choice.


Temple University is a diverse, exciting, safe and fun school full of so many different oppertunities that allows it's students to experience new things and think outside the box when it comes to your individual life; Temple wants all of it's students to get up and try soemthing new because you never know what else could fufill your intrests.


Temple University is Big, Beautiful, and full of life changing experiences.


As a science or math major this school seems to make it too hard to pass but other majors seem to have higher gpa, but I really like to be in this environment and the size of the school is perfect but


Temple is a high-tech, highly educational, fun school that really prepares you for life after college.


Temple University is filled with so many different types of people that allows others to listen to another view point and change or grow from that knowledge.


Temple University is best described as a cultural, racial, and ethnically diverse University.


My school is extremely diverse and gives students a chance to express themselves in any way desired.


I like going to this school and getting the educations that I am, but they don't provide enough information when it comes to financial aid, financial options, and what are the best courses for me to take.


Temple University has a diverse city atmostphere with a hometown feel.