Temple University Top Questions

Describe how Temple University looks to someone who's never seen it.


Temple University is a diversified and academically excellent institution where students are free to express themselves in their own way and held to high standards not only academically but morally as well.


As a transfer student from a community college, Temple University made it easy for me to be comforatble with a bigger, 4-year college through small class sizes and friendly staff members.


My school is the right one for me.


Temple University is a diverse, modern school that offers a number of majors to students. It offers a great program for undecided students because there are a number of fields that students can choose from and that is what any school needs because college is a pivotal time for on-going students. The campus is not too far from downtown and it is a key location in the rich city of Philadelphia.


Temple University is a school of diversity, magnificently located in the electric, live city of Philadelphia, where students from every walk of life choose to attend in order to commune, practice studies, and express themselves peacefully and freely with those of other cultures and lifestyles.


I believe my school is an amazing institution which provides great diversity and helps students get on the right track to a successful future.


Best choice I could have made ever!


Temple is a vibrant school giving its students an international, diverse exeprience.


Temple University is much better then I thought it was.


A very diverse schoold that has much to offer its students at an affordable price.