Motivation is the source of power for everything and anything you want to do in life and without it you can easily go astray. You should put in enough effort and remember that everything you are doing in high school is a continous assessment and absolutely nothing should be taking for granted. college is a whole different ball game because, it requires more discipline and a high sense of maturity. A great amount of emphasis should placed on developing these skills due to the simple fact that it will go a long way to make the transition much swifter. Additionally, emphasis should be placed on narrowing down your areas of interest because that enables you to jump directly into that particular field which appeals to you rather taking a whole semester, sometimes even more trying to decide.
Be open minded about everything!
Note to Self
There changes I could have made to enhance my senior year of high school. I could have made my college life easier by being a better senior. If I could go back in time and talk myself as a senior, then I would advise myself two important changes to make.
First, I would tell myself to get more involved. Being more involved in high school activities and in the community, such as playing a high school sport or doing volunteer work would have helped me to learn time management. These activities that I disregarded in high school but, I should have taken my time to consider because it could help me in a long term situation. Next, I would tell myself to use my time more wisely. The time that I wasted hanging out with friends should have been used to study Pre-Calculus or filling out scholarship applications. My advice to myself would have helped me tremendously.
If could have told my self these things the transition to college would have been easier. These things would have made me more independent. I would have learned life lessons that would be carried with me forever.
You are not always going to succeed in everything you do the first time around. Obstacles are to be met along any journey, but falling and learning how to pick yourself up is all part of the learning experience of success. If you want to achieve your goals, you need to set your mind to completing any objective, and focus. Persistance, drive, and focus until you reach your finish line is neccessary. Setting a reasonable deadline for each of your goals and following through with hard work and dedication are the minimum requirements needed to aquire a goal. When an obstacle is thrown your way, you must stay positive. Having a positive mind state is often times the difference between succeeding, and failing. I’ve always said that problems are problems because they have a solution. If there was not a solution you would be at a dead end. When things are at their toughest, and it is hard to mentality stay strong, having confidence and positivity will carry you through that problem and provide for you: a solution. Surrounding yourself with people that have similar desire to succeed and a positive attitude will help as well. Never GIve Up.
I will tell my highschool senior self; do not settle for average. Be the best and over achieve at all things that are possible. As well do not leave things that you can do today for another time. Learned my lesson for leaving the hardest subject that has always defeated me and that is math. I left math for the last thing I can do, never passed it at the begining now I am a semester behind. Also apply to all the scholarships/help you eligible to obtained. If you get extra money from those grants for your use, don't missuse it on nonsense, save it for the future. If i would have saved all those extra grants; I would have a lot of savings. At last have fun, explore what your school does and their social life; it will look great on your applications and resumes.
It's all about balance and moderation. It's important to make connections with other students but it's also important to stay on top of your work for classes. Don't spread yourself out too thin joining too many clubs because you'll be spending all your time at meetings and fundraisers with no time to relax or get work done. Chose one or two activities you love, that's where you'll meet your best friends. It's not bad to go out with friends every once in a while but be responsible with your actions. Being incapable of getting things done due to choices made the night before is a bad sign. Always keep your goals in mind and go after what you want. While advisors are there to guide you they might not always point you in the right direction so know what you need to get done and use them as a reference point. You are responsible for yourself and it's no one else's job to make sure you graduate. Do what you need to do, get your work done, and have as much fun as possible while doing it.
Senior-me, open up your eyes to new experiences and say yes. Too many people in college let opportunities slip away and regret it later down the road. College is all about taking risks, exposing yourself to experiences you might not be comfortable with, and letting yourself have fun. Join clubs, talk to people you are unfamiliar with, and attend as many on-campus events as possible. College is truly what you make it and with all the opportunities your school will throw at you, you would be foolish not to enjoy them! Do not sit in your room all day, go outside and embrace yourself in your schools culture. Become a part of something bigger than yourself and let yourself fall a couple of times. Nothing you do will be perfect the first time, but that is life and no reason for you to give up. Lean on your friends and stray away from petty drama. Have fun and live life to its fullest. College is your chance to truly express yourself and make a name for yourself. Be creative, be lively, be involved, and most importantly be yourself. College is a huge opportunity, make your time worth it!
I think that college is a huge decision. When I was in high school, I wanted to get as far away as possible from my family, regardless of the cost. I didn't take into consideration the fact that I would have to be paying for school. While I wanted to be away from my parents, the rest of my family has been very helpful. I would suggest to myself to take a year off, work, and really think about what I want to do with my life. I ended up transferring because school was too expensive, too far, and wasn't providing me with the major I ended up wanting to pursue. I feel now that I am gaining experience necessary, inside and outside the classroom, to achieve my career aspirations.
Looking back, I wish I would've worked harder to save up money. I worked a couple of part time jobs on and off for about two years and now I'm paying for it (no pun intended). I work 20-35 hours most weeks and take eighteen credit hours at school. Despite the fact that I work so much, I'm struggling to cover fees from another school (that I didn't even attend). I love college and I am very glad to be able to continue my education, but it would have been far easier if I would have stuck with a job for a bit longer than I did and put back some money in a savings account.