Temple University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Temple University?


When commutting it is hard to establish core friendships. You make friends, but only within the classrooms mostly


One frustrating aspect about Temple University is the lack of safety that many students feel while walking around Temple at night. North Philadelphia is a rather unsafe area of the city, and although the actual campus is extremely safe, many students do not feel comfortable walking shortly outside of campus at night. Although the location of Temple is something I love most about the university, it is also something that can cause fear among students.


The cost, college prices are increasing but us students have less and less money. It doesn't make sense.


The bureaurcracy , many times students will go to one person to be told to go to another just to be sent back to the person then went to in the first place.


The amount it cost to attend.


The communication is ridiculous. I never know what's going on or where to find information. The services are horrible, especially student health services. I've never had a harder time seeking medical attention in my life. The 'nurses' are incompitent. One time I went in for a sore throat and all I got were generic forms of Sudafed and Advil. A day later I was seen by a doctor off campus who said I had an advanced case of strep. 75{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of Temple's security desk workers are rude, and the cafeteria workers are constantly slacking off.




There is a huge number of students with not wnought teachers.


Liminited course availibility and scheduling for upper level courses.


The most frustrating thing about Temple, is the amount of work that you are expected to joggle and the conditions of the off campus housing.