Temple University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Temple University?


Academic advising is the biggest issue at Temple University. Many students complain about taking courses they didn't need to take which inturn prolongs therir stay at Temple University. Advising sessions are also very impersonal. In many of the cases a student will have a different advisor everytime he or she visits the advising office or have to wait for a long period of time. Currently I serve as a Senator of Health Profession in our student government. We are actively trying to find and research solutions to relieve the stress it has created for students.


The most frustrating thing about my school would have to be the unwritten rule of "don't ask, don't tell". I am personally a victim of this rule . During the academic year of 2007-2008, I was at risk of not recieving financial aid because I was not informed by my academic advisor that if you retake a course, it does not count towards the 24 credits that are required by the end of August in order to recieve financial aid. I then had to file an appeal and was fortunately enough granted the appeal.


The different departments of Temple University don't communicate with eachother. If you are majoring in one school and have a double major in another, they send you on a run around when it comes to tying to graduate because advisors don't know about each schools requirements. You need to plan everyone on your own with little or no help.


Dealing with confusion of classroom assignments and registering for classes is by far the most frustrating part of my school. The university does not do a very good job at helping students get into the classes they want/need to attend.


People who smoke too close to the buildings.


The most frustrating thing is about Temple is trying to balance school work with your social life. But it's not like you have to choose one or the other, it's just finding the right balance is hard. There is so much to do and so little time at Temple.

