I would tell myself to find an advisor who knows about how to enter the career path that I was interested in, and utilize that advisor to plan out my undergraduate education. I would also tell myself to time manage more efficiently, and stop thinking the way I did in highschool. College takes work, espceially if you want to get somewhere worth getting to. And while it's important to work hard, when it comes to joining organizations, join the ones that you are going to enjoy and with people that you like rather than ones that will look the best on your resume. You will find that you get a lot more out of the experience, and don't regret giving up your time for it.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself when I was in my senior year of high school, I would tell myself to listen to my mom when she lectures about scholarships. It's so important to do scholarships so that whatever money I can get will be applied to my education. It was always tedious and boring to me, filling out form after form but now, I wish I would have spent hours on end doing those scholarship forms because it's hard getting through college without money to fund you through. And evedyone's short on cash these days. So I would tell myself to take the scholarships more seriously and to stop whining when my mother nags at me to do them.
Your senior year, participate in everything that you are passionate about and have the time to do well. Be a leader. Hold office. Take initiative. Don’t just build your resume – build the person you want to become. Decide what your field of study in college will be. Do this in time to choose the right universities, and also to choose the best courses to take this year. Don’t be tempted to slack off – take those hard classes that will prepare you best. Next year, live on campus! There is so much activity that happens spontaneously when you live with thousands of other freshmen. Your first semester away, find the right organization for your interests/passions, and throw yourself whole-heartedly into it. My best college friends are in my freshmen in Service and Hosting group. In addition to our meetings and service projects, we spend lots of time together studying, eating and socializing. Choose friends who will be the kind of influence you want. Want to study? Hang around with studious people. Want to be fit? Hang out with friends who play sports or work out.Go to class. Every class. Every time.
The first piece of advice I would give is to remember why you're attending college in the first place and to never lose sight of your goals. Half of the incoming undergrad students either end up dropping out or having to stay another year- that doesn't make it okay for you to do that. Focus and graduate. Grades are important- very important. It's one of the many factors that determine your future. Don't let peer pressure, alcohol, or relationships lead you astray from your goals. Know what's wrong and right. Be strong and confident with who you are and remember that no matter what happens- God won't throw an obstacle in your path if He doesn't think you can handle it. College is a time for you to stretch out your wings, but you're not ready to fly yet. Reach out to the different people all around you and dedicate some of your time to volunteering- trust me, it's a rewarding feeling. And never be afraid to ask for help- everyone has to start from the bottom before working their way up. Have fun, but remain focused at the same time!
Dear Senior Self,
Hang in there! I know it seems escape from the cliche nightmare that is high school will never come, but it will. College will be a welcome change as you find a diverse population of people that share your interests and truly care for your well-being. Do not shy away from social interaction! Your peers are actually interested in getting to know you: the sweet girl that wears cat sweaters. Make friends with those you sit next to in lecture. They will serve as both social and educational resources throughout the semester. While working up the courage to speak is difficult, the payoff is great. You will more often regret not speaking rather than speaking up. Also, stay organized! With more classes, sports clubs, organizations, and campus events than you've ever had available, your schedule will be quite full. An updated planner will be an invaluable resource to you. Most of all, have fun. Enjoy the time you get to spend in college! It is a unique time of opportunity, friendship, and learning that should not be taken for granted!
Good luck and gig 'em!
-Your College Self
Although I have completed only one semester here at Texas A&M, I could say that college is something each and every one of us must experience in order to completely be moved by the significance of the huge step you make into your life. I would tell myself that in order to make one good decision, you will have to make about 5 bad ones. Mistakes and faliure are inevitable so one shouldn't be so uptight on being perfect. College is about finding oneself. Who would you like to be in the next 4 years? You can't plan the future, so there's no use in trying to, but one thing you can do is make goals of what remembrance you would like to leave to your name. Being the perfectionist that I am, I would say that these would be great things to keep in mind, not only in college, but also in the huge obsurity that lies ahead of each of us, life.
Never miss a deadline. In high school, some of your teachers would push the deadlines back and give you more time. But in college, its either you turn it in or its a zero. Organization and time management are also very important. College is very fast paced, and there is more work and studying than there was in high school. One of the major differences with high school and college is that in high school, you spend most of your time finishing your homework, but in college you spend most of your time studying for upcoming tests and exams. Taking advanced placement classes and duel credit in high school also helps a lot once you get into college. Also make sure your professor gets to know you. Go to their office hours, because whenever you need a one point grade bump, it helps for your professor to know you. You can succeed in college, but all you have to do is make the effort to work hard.
i feel that if i had the chance to go back to high school. i would of taken my senior year more seriously. i feel that i should of taken more advantage of the opportunities that our teachers gave us to prepare us for high school. the things i could of done differently is not be lazy in class or payed more attention because we dont realize how hard it gets once we git to college. now that i started coege wow that was a big change! but a great exoerience it is a lot of responsibility and hard working thing to do. i saw that i was having hard trouble studying or taking really good notez or even how to prepare myself for a test. so i decided to go to the tutoring center to get a lot of help on those maain i did and i was seen thT i improved on my studying skills and note taking skills. im really looking foward into my second semester in coege ready and prepared not nervouse im very motivated Nd confident to take my classea because i know i will succed in college and do my best .
I would take myself out to eat, a calm environment and we would talk casually first, then get into the real descussion. I would tell myself to keep my eyes open posters more on campus, you might just look at them and think "O, thats cool!" and keep it moving, but actually read them, they are posted for a reason. To stay on campus more, dont go home as much, no matter how much you want to. Guys will be guys, stay sharp and listen well, just because they a little older does not mean they dont play. Your friends that you make will always be there for you, dont get mad at them for stupid reasons. You are all going through the same withdrawl from being home and the stress of classes. Forgive them, be the bigger person, that's a big step towards growing up. Stay single because boys are to much trouble. Ask around about math teachers before the Add/Drop days end. Go to tutoring, make time for it. And lastly, have fun but study anyways, this is not high school, your mom is not here to hold your hand! Your family still loves you!
Rachel, it would be financially beneficial to take some dual high school/college courses through the program offered by ACC and Leander ISD. You can receive some college credit for very little cost which will also help you to get out of college a little quicker. When you start your Freshman year, you can start to take more courses that Spring semester. Yes, it is good to take about 12 or 14 that first semester as you get used to the demands but after that, you can handle more because you will do the committed work you have to do. You learned in high school how to go to someone in the school say a counselor or a teacher for extra help when you had trouble. That will serve you well. Continue to take ownership of your own learning. Do continue to be involved with extra-curricular activities, do volunteer work and get plugged into a church immediatly, it is very rewarding to become a part of this College Station community and gives you a feeling of belonging. READ more!! When your parents are talking politics or news, listen. You will want to be able to discuss national,world topics.