Texas A & M University-College Station Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas A & M University-College Station know before they start?


I would remind myself that getting sick is not the end of the world and that keeping up communication with my Professors will be vital in hard times. It is important as well to make sure that proper precautions are made on my part to keep healthy while living with a roommate for the first time and being surrounded by tens of thousands of students more than what I'm used to. I would try to keep in mind that I'm far away from home and now the only one responsible for myself so all of these little things become bigger issues since I will be needing to simultaneously take on these parental duties all the while attending classes, maintaining a high GPA, gaining social life, and joining extracurricular activities and organizations. As overwhelming as college can be, it is always necessary to keep my eye on the prize but to also never neglect what unique experiences this time offers. The entire duration of college will be a series of "gives" and "takes" so I should take notice of my own limitations and learn fast to give leave to other priorities (like my health) versus classes or socializing.


When you go to college or a University be very open minded. You have to be more than willing to meet as many new people as possible. Do not just speak to people who are similar to you, branch out and meet others that are very different from you. Keep networking and remember those you meet. When you meet these individuals try your best to communicate with those people whether it be monthly or weekly; you may need someone to talk to while going through a difficult situation or possibly need help in a future class. Pertaining to your educational experience, college is nothing like high school. It is very difficult and takes time, dedication, and determination. Just like you, many other college students were the brightest ones in their high school class, so therefore it will be very challenging. You have to learn what study habits are most effective for you. When you don't achieve your desired score the first round, don't get sad or depressed, just try harder and I guarantee you, your outcome would be so much more desirable and pleasing. Don't underestimate any class or your potential. Anything is possible, once you try.


There are so many things I would go back and tell myself, but I don't think I would have changed anything about how I decided to live my life. I love my two beautiful children and I adore my amazing husband. If I were to go back and give myself any advice, I would tell myself not to be so harsh and condescending on myself. I would tell myself to be more optimistic, outgoing, and positive on life. I would also say to live life to the fullest, we never know when or if today will be our last, so live like it is. I would say not to ever miss out on an opportunity to do the things I love and enjoy, but to work hard, all things will be paid off in the end. Most of all, I would encourage myself to never, EVER, no matter how hard things seem or get to be, give up or quit, to keep going even if its the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, its all worth it in the end.


Procrastination is the worst enemy to a college student, and being prepared is truely the key to success. Those words are the words of wisdom from the college me to the senior in high school me. If time would let me turn back I would advice myself of the importance of time management for a college student who wants to succeed. The idea of creating your own schedule is the opportunity to create your time in a way to benefit yourself and not wasting it in sleeping or hanging out with friends. In high school, procrastinating was just a scratch when dealing with homework or studying for tomorrows test. I had the belief that going to college would be similar to high school with just an uber higher level. So it meant I was allowed to procrastinate if the information stayed in my head. However, if the clock let me rewind its steps, I would have the opportunity to let myself know the belief I had in mind is an idea that would not benefit me as a college student. My college-self would mention the struggles I went through following the "procrastination theory". That is my note to self.


In college, you find challenges you've never dreamed of, all in the name of defending who you are. Don't falter. Don't forsake yourself. Times will be difficult, and you will start to doubt your capacities in life and academia. Take a deep breath, and realize you are not alone. You are never alone. Only here, where you have not only the freedom to look at yourself but are forced to, may you truly begin to comprehend who you are and what your purpose is. I know you. I know how you act and, more importantly, why. As someone goal-oriented, I implore you to start taking notes of how you're doing and what you're aiming for. Use these notes to compile a set of micro-goals: things you want to accomplish by the time you graduate. Perhaps even more necessary than this objective is simply using a to-do list. Exorbitant amounts of activies will vie for your attention. These lists will help you prioritize--the most useful skill you may learn as you're struggling to get through college. I won't lie, it will be a struggle. You will marvel in it.


If I could go back in time and advise my high school self, I would remind him that he could make his future in college easier financially and academically, by continuing to work hard now and taking advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. Too many seniors become complacent, satisfied with getting their diploma and content with resting on that accomplishment. Some may even be accepted to the college of their dreams, and I would tell them the same. The world will judge them on the passion they show for their work and their own future. Ability can only carry you so far, and the sooner that is learned the better. I am the example of what it takes to recover from misuse of the opportunity that is high school; I effectively dropped out during my freshman year. That decision has cost me a great deal of time, effort, and money: two years in the workforce, a year of community college, and exclusion from the millions of scholarship dollars available only to top high school students. Let it be a lesson; we all have to work to get where we’re going, now or later.


If I could go back in time and give advice to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to think about the transition in the following sequence: career choice, major/degree choice, and finally college choice. Before making the transition from high school to college, performing research on careers and job shadowing is an important step so that a student has a field of study in mind. After the career choice is made, a high school student should then research what the proper major and level of education is needed for that career. Once a student has both a desired major and degree in mind, it is time to do research to find which colleges offer the chosen major and degree. Choosing the best college for a student’s educational needs and future career is one of the most important steps in the transition from high school to college, as it saves time and money. Other words of advice I would have for myself are to apply for scholarships; apply often and apply for many. Also, college is a fun, scary, and stressful experience all in one, but make the most of it and do your best!


Dear Faryn, As a high school senior you're at the closing of one chapter of your life and the beginning of another exciting, yet difficult one, college. Don't worry about the little things that you can't control and don't let the transition overwhelm you or discourage you in anyway. Continue working hard and staying focused in school, but don't forget to add a little fun to the mix. You'll have plenty of choices that you will have to make, but don't fret over the things you can't control. I know that you're going to have a hard time being away from your family for the first time, but they are only a Skype call away. Plus, you're joining a HUGE family at Texas A&M. I promise that you'll find genuine poeple that you will call life long friends. The key to a sucessful transition is to find that perfect balance between working hard and having fun, and when you strike a balance you'll be set. You may ask how I know, well, I know what you're going through. Sincerly, Texas A&M Class of 2014 Faryn


The following is advice to give to myself as a high school graduate preparing for college. My goal would be making academic progress through graduation. I would evaluate each step of progress each semester so I can see how I improved, and what areas I need to work on. My evaluations would include addressing my fears of my dysfunction of being in an abusive environment. I was raised by two parents who beat me up with ridicule, derogatory sarcasm, and physical injuries, all of which affected my ability to become a college student. I didn’t have an open mind to going to college. My evaluations would also incorporate my college, career, and financial goals. I would establish what degree I would want to get, and what classes to register in college, and how much it would cost me, and what the salary is for that occupation. I would want to journal positive reinforcements to encourage my efforts to stay in college and to continue my educational goals. Journaling is helpful, especially during discouraging periods, while I am attending college. Finally, I would have attained my dreams in theater arts sooner if I knew then what I know now.


Stop playing around with all the partying. The drugs and alcohol and all your "friends" that you do them with are a waste of time and money. Think real hard about what you want to do for a living. That means for the rest of your life. Don't be afraid to try different things and switch majors as much as you like. Once you do settle on something put everything you have into it. Strive to become the best at whatever it is you choose to do. It will take hard work day in and day out, so don't be surprised when things dont come easily. Good luck.