Texas A & M University-College Station Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas A & M University-College Station know before they start?


You should feel very confident and excited to enter Texas A&M University. It is a great place to have personal relationship with others and professors. I am very glad that I decided to go to Texas A&M instead of Texas University, and you should feel that way too. Texas A&M has great professors and teaching assistants who are always willing to help and guide you. Most of them are very friendly and nice. It is really cool to be part of the old traditions such as 12th Man, Midnight Yell, Gig 'Em, Bonfire. We also have many creative and leadership programs, and you can learn a lot from them; so make sure to join several of them at the beginning of the semester. Make sure to join Honors Program at Texas A&M. It gives you a lot of information and advantage that will help you throughout your education. And be confident about your choice of major. This school fits perfectly for you! So don't hesitate! Lastly, be very thankful to people around you like your parents, friends, church members, and teachers. I now realize how lucky I was back then.


If I would go bacak to be a high school senior, knowing what I know, I would tell myself that college life is not like high school. Professors may be wanting the best for you, but unlike high school where they pushed you, in college it is all about you and you have to be your own boss. You have to know what it is you want in life and strive towards that. I would also tell myself to be ready for alot of studying and independence. College life is all about self-governance and having a ocus and a goal in mind. This is the advice I would tell myself.


If I could go back in time as a Senior I would have prepared more for my SATs test so that I could have gotten a better score. Also if I could go back I would have been more into it in deciding what major to chose and what school are perfect for me and not only that but I think that I could have done a better job i high school knowing how important this was as well. The advice that I can give to myself is that there's always a reason why things happen. Yes I could have done better if I were more into it on planning what school to go and picking out my major, but the truth is that is not always what you want but is what you can get. That's my adivce I would take.


I would tell myself to focus on going to college right away, and try to apply for a lot of scholarships and financial aid. I would also tell myself to stay focus and strive for the best you can do!


Hard work in high school transfers to an easier college experience. In many areas of my high school career I worked very dilligently while others I could have been much more successful. For instance, I stayed very involved in my church, and the Boy Scouts of America program. Both of these have already helped my college career and Boy Scouts will help me through my life career. Contrarily, I should have taken more time to lead in my school and to improve my SAT and ACT scores. Boy Scouts is a great leadership program, but exhibiting leadership in a more diverse society like school is additionally very helpful. Having this experience gives an enormous headstart to starting college off successfully and I believe I had a good start, but there was room for improvement. Furthermore, the SAT and ACT tests are much more important than high school grade point average. I only took the test once and did not do any specific study programs for the ACT. I could have greatly improved my score by taking it more times. A good high school career jumpstarts a good college career and these little tips would make a drastic difference.


Most people go to college to decide what they want to do. For me it was different, I knew what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it; my time in college wasn't going to be spent determining what I was going to do. To my surprise, college provided something unexpected: perspective. As I began to take challenging classes, to learn how I could apply concepts in mathematics and science to real-world problems, I saw how my education was more than a diploma to get a higher salary. For me, college brought responsibility to help others. The knowledge I have acquired almost forces me to put it to use and help make the world a better place, as cliché as it may sound. I no longer think about the day when I will graduate as the day I will start making money, but as the day I will begin to help others by tackling tough computer science problems. Everyone should get a chance to go to college to, not only to get a formal education, but also to learn something about themselves. For me it was perspective, for others it might be life’s calling.


During myy first semester of college, I have gained knowlege, realization of my future goals, and responsibility. College has prepared me for my future and has created many walls that I had to climb in order to succeed. The experience in itself has proven to be a value as I strive toward my goals. Thanks to Texas A&M University, I have grown socially and academically creating a well rounded human being.


I have learned a tremendous amount of crucial information and life skills by attending the institution of Texas A&M. It has taught me how to be more independent and work for my future more. I'm only a second semester freshman at the university so I dont feel like my learning stage is completely over but I realize I'm learning more and more about myself and who I want to be and growing in my faith by joining a Christian sorority. It has been such a valuable opportunity because I'm able to get a prestigious education so I can later follow my dreams of working in the medical field. I feel Texas A&M has been crucial and still will be as I go on in my education and graduate an Aggie.


College has so far being a great experience for me. First of all, i never believed myself in college after High school but since am glad I got in into college. Based on my college experience, I managed to maintain a grade point average of 4.000 out of 4.000, finally decided on what to do with my life and had a couple of career related friends. Additionally, the povided my independency in the sense that i can rely on my academy experience to hold a better position in the society. Independency in the sense that I can think critically and analytically to a problem at hand. Although it is hard to get college experience with the necessary resources but to say it all, it is a very unique investment.


These past 3 years have been an amazing experience for me not only as a student, but a person as well. All the falculty and staff here at A&M are so incredibly knowledgeable in their specific field of work, so the classes are alway so interesting and learning the material is worth remembering. The lessons I learn in the classroom are also pertinent to my future career goal of becoming an ER doctor. I feel well prepared for Medical School, and the professors here are very encouraging. I could not ask for a better experience academically. Texas A&M University has taught me many life lessons as well. Whether it be learning to do my own laundry that first month of freshman year or learning to communicate effectively with other students and my professors, I will definitely walk away from here feeling more prepared for life outside of my parent's home. Here at A&M, the professors not only prepare you for your future career goals, but they also prepare you for "real life." I have slowly become less dependent on my parents and others around me and have increasingly become more independent and sure of myself.