Spend time on campus while school is in session. And walk around and experience student life outside of an organized tour.
When my parents and I were looking at schools people always told me "you'll just know" when you find the right college. I found 3 colleges that I loved. Visit a lot of colleges and find thing things that you like and dislike in them. Talk to your high school counselor. Take a chance and go somewhere where you won't know a soul so that you can be exactly who you want to be and find new friends that like you for who you are. Try and live somewhere different than what your home is like...or find somewhere that's just like your home and in a different place. (I'm from Omaha and I go to TCU in Fort Worth..very similar cities but different places). Also just be yourself. Don't do things because you're "supposed" to. STUDY! Don't fail your freshman year because classes don't get any easier. Balance your social and academic life. Don't go to a school that's too challenging and have to work all the time to keep up but don't slack off. No regrets--you only get out what you put in.
I think everyone ends up in a college that works for them. Even if you don't get into the school that all your friends are going to or the place you've wanted to go since you were a little kid, you will find your niche anywhere. Reaching out to new people and living in a new environment is scary but it forces you to grow in ways that you never thought possible. College is what you make of it.
Find your place on campus. You may have to search hard, but there is always a place for everyone
Finding the right college is a huge decision but everything will work out in the end if you do your research. Before you even consider a college you have to decide what you are looking for in a school. Large or small, public or private, rural or urban setting? Also, don't rule out a college because it's too expensive. If you really like the college , apply and see what kind of financial aid or scholarships you get because you never know. Once you have your criteria for finding a college look at all the school that are fairly similar to those qualities. Don't let your friends talk you into a college. One of the best things that I did was to go to a college where I only knew one person. Once you have your list narrowed down to 5 or 7, go visit them and stay overnight if you can. The best way to see if you would love a college is to take a tour and talk to students there.