Texas Christian University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas Christian University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself, I would tell me to learn to study a lot harder and write better notes. I would also advise myself to plan out a budget and learn how to spend more wisely. The only other thing I would say is to make sure I get a single room and never get a roommate.


Keep calm. Everything seems overwhelming at first, and you have to study more than you ever imagined. Everything will pay off when your professors praise you and your GPA is better than you expected. You will have supportive friends all around you, and will be able to stay away from bad influences. Don't worry- you made the right choice in going to TCU. =)


I would tell myself to work even harder than in high school. Senior year we tend to slack a little bit and not work as hard in school. My first semester in college, it hit me that you really DO need to come home and study every day. You can't procrastinate or study for your exam the morning of. You really DO have to work for your grades, but it's worth it. I have all As now, and it is a lot of work, but satisfying to know I accomplished it.


Really seek out how college works and how different it is from high school. My high school did not prepare me for the intensity of college level work. I would tell myself to take college level courses at the college (some were offered at my high school).


Make plenty of new friends, be prepared to completley change your study habits, never let a social opportunity pass you by, and be open to meeting new people all the time; you never know who may become your friend later on in life


Hey kid, You only attend college once. Don't over work yourself because you have the rest of life to get up and go to work. Live, learn, make mistakes, go party, discover who you are. College is an once in a life time oppourntiy. Make the best of it!


Do the most you can to look at different colleges and not jump into anything too quickly. If your uncertain about your major go to a junior college for awhile to sample classes instead of changing your major a few times. Save yourself time and money.


Be prepared to actually study. In highschool you could just look at the test material five minutes before the test and pass. That is not how it works here. School will consume the majority of your life.


I would have told myself to stop with the lame senioritis, and pull together to take more AP classes, and make As and Bs in them. Slacking off in high school is stupid. It's a waste of free money! If I had taken 3 more APs in high school, I could have saved about $20,000 and tons of trouble. Core classes are really the most painful things to take, because they're not part of your major and you really don't care to learn about them with the same passion. Knocking out a few of them would have saved numerous headaches, and given me a headstart on taking classes I actually like, not to mention saved my ever-creeping GPA. Most of all, I would have told myself to start figuring out THEN what motivates me. I know now that motivation is the start to any project, and learning that sort of drive years ago would have been fantastic for me!


Take all the AP classes you dropped and keep studying. Avoid the bluu because the unlimited meal plan will make you fat. Don't be afraid to make lots of friends.