I would suggest visiting at least 5 different colleges to get a feel for what kind of learning environment you like and don't like. You and your parents can discuss why or why not that certain college. If you know someone tat went to a college you are interested in, interview them and asked them what aspects they liked about it. Sit in on a typical class one day to see if you feel comfortable in a big lecture class or not. As for how to make the most of your college experience, make some lasting friendships. I found that if I spent my time out in the main courtyard where most people passed that I got to meet some of my best friends. Also stay ahead in class by going to class everyday and reading the material before hand. Go to the library and see what services they offer to make your life a bit easier. Always have an open mind with the people you meet, college is eye opening. Always get to know your professors it could it could help that B go to an A. Have confidence but ask for help if you need it
The best advice I can give parents is to make sure that the college fits the childs personality. There is nothing more wrong or meaningless then a student at a college that doesn't fulfill all the students needs...research as much as possible.
Apply to every school you wish to get into. Even if you think it is out of reach, it never hurts to try (and don't forget about scholarships and financial aid!). Know that an expensive, out of state school may be right for you, but if you are just trying to leave home, a more financially acceptable school in-state may be a better choice. Visit the college and ASK QUESTIONS! The tour guide may not have all the answers but surely there is a current student walking by you can ask a quick question to. If you don't get into your dream school focus on another. Make the college you end up with your own. There are plenty of opportunities on campus and go out to find them. Have a good time but remember these are only four years of your life. It can make or break you and turn you into a successful career oriented person if study comes before play.
Sometimes, it all happens by accident. I wound up at my school by contracting food poisoning at a scholarship banquet.
Pick a school based on academics, not athletics or a relative's alma mater. Stay focused and maintain your grades. A 4.0 is not a necessity, but a 2.0 is not acceptable. Take classes that enrich your life while fulfilling academic requirements. Enjoy college, but go to college for the learning, not the party. Graduate!
When selecting a college, make sure the college best fits the environment you would thrive in. It should have programs and activities that would have a positive impact on your life.
Find a place that you feel like you can call home.
Finding a college that is right for you is a bit like pulling a lottery number out of a hat. I visited 15 colleges and attended two before i found the one that was right for me. Some people are lucky and get it on the first try but, like all things in life, it is a process that takes devoted time and energy. As long as you are willing to put forth the research and determination you will find a school that is right for you. Good Luck!
Based on my experiences, I would say that it is really important to choose a school for what it offers, besides the location. This means get out of the city you grew up in unless it provides a really really great opportunity. To make the most out of college I would strongly suggest getting involved. It is really not difficult. People are constantly posting information about interest meetings or handing out flyers. At ever college I have attended (all three of them), it was extremely easy to become involved. Also, go to class. It really is 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the academic work. Even if you go to class and find you do not have time to complete all of the assignments you will get better grades because the teacher will recognize that you are making an effort. Go to class.
Find somewhere that will challenge you both academically and as a person. Choose a school where you will feel compfortable and one that has many opportunities to get involved in activities. Be sure to choose somewhere that you will want to be an alumni from and that you will be glad to attend. Not all schools are meant for everyone but choose one where you can express yourself and live life to the fullest where you will meet lifelong friends and one that will prepare you for life in the real world.