The University of Tennessee-Knoxville Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Tennessee-Knoxville know before they start?


My advice is comfort. In finding the right college, one should choose an academically challenging school that he or she is comfortable with. Without being comfortable with one's surroundings, that individual will find it hard to make new friends, have engaging intellectual conversations, and enjoying all the extra curricular activities the school has to offer. If the student is comfortable with his or her surroundings then that student will excel academically and socially providing the full college experience.


Simply get out and live. Don't stay all huddled up in your room all day, get out and socialize. With that said, do remember WHY you are at college in the first place--academics (well if you play sports then you are the exception). You are here to serve such a small time in comparason to your entire life span. So prepare yourself well enough now, so for the remainder of your life, you can live a happier, more fulfilling one.


I would reccomend visiting the college before you apply. I visited several colleges during my junior year of high school. I could tell from walking around on the campus and looking at the classrooms and programs offered if the school was going to be a good fit for me. Almost ll colleges offer free campus tours that I would reccomend taking as well. Find a school that offers activities, clubs, or sports that you enjoy and you will have a much easier time getting to know people and make new friends with the same interests as you.


I would have to say visit the college more than once. Try to talk to people that have recently attended the school or students that are there right now. Make sure you find out all of the details about what really goes on there if you are a student. For example, if it is a dry campus is it really? Ask the tough questions so you can make sure that you have a quality experience at the college you attend.


I definitely advice to go with your instinct. It also helps to know at least one pretty close friend that is going to be attending the same college that might have similar social interests at the very least. Most importantly, decide early what direction you might want to take in life because switching majors can really put you behind if you do it too late. I know that I am behind because I decided to do pre-medicine and anthropology. Remember, it is ultimately up to you and always pick the career that makes you HAPPIEST, not richest. Study hard, but remember that this is the best time of your life.


Be sure to visit any school that peaks your interest or even just has your program, you can never visit to many schools. You never know exactly what you may end up liking.


Make sure you are in good standings as far as grades, and make sure they stay good. College is a fun experience as long as you don't put any stress on yourself.


There are a multitude of factors that go into the decision making process of choosing the 'right' college for you or your student. Such things involved are what majors are available that you plan on or are interested in pursuing, what activities/organizations are available, and money, of course, along with many other factors. I advise , above everything, to sit down and research all of these factors and more about each prospective college. Once you've done the research, your decision will be a lot easier. Knowing this could have helped me out , a lot. When I chose my college, it was between UT and MTSU. I ended up deciding on MTSU. The colleges seemed fairly equal to me; the reason I chose MTSU was to get away from everything I knew and to start over, get away, meet new people, etc. I ended up only staying the one year, and transferred to UT. Had I researched more into my decision, I would have decided on UT to begin with and wouldn't have to worry about transferring, losing credits for courses that weren't comparable, etc.


When picking a college do what you feel is the right choice for you. During your senior year of high school when you visit different colleges you will just know when your at the right one, if you can't make up your mind on colleges maybe you need to look around some more. Listen to the advice of others but at the end of the day the you will know what college is right for you more than anyone else will.


Choosing the right college is an overwhelming and life changing decision for most people. The college experience shapes us into the men and women we will be for the rest of our lives. That is why it is very important not to settle for anything less than your dream. There is a place that encompasses all your needs and wants, trust that you will find it. You need a good education, an involved campus and a social life. As cheesy as it sounds, follow your heart and find the place that feels like home to you. Make memories and relationshipd that will last you a lifetime. Find an institution of higher learning that challenges everything you ever thought to be true. Only then will you break through your barriers and become the great leaders of tommorrow. We owe it to ourselves, our parents and our future children to be all we can be and lead the new generation into prosperity.