The University of Tennessee-Knoxville Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Tennessee-Knoxville know before they start?


There were so many things that came into my mind when I started applying to colleges. First, I decided that I wanted to stay close to home, because I knew I wouldn't be comfortable far away (which would probably affect my learning capabilities). Then I had to decide whether I wanted to go to a small college or a large university. I chose a large university. They are often close to cities, and I like the "liveliness" of a city. Next, I decided that I wanted to go to a school that had a good academic reputation. I wanted to go to a school that was really going to challenge me. Also, if you know what you want your major to be you need to talk to someone in that department and see if it is suitable for you. As far as your college experience goes, it's what you make of it. You can either party all the time and flunk out or you can have a healthy balance. That's probably the most important advice I could give an incoming freshman. You have to have your priorities straight. Sometimes its hard but its rewarding in the end.


Spend the first two years at a Jr. college close to home. This will allow for a smoother transition from highschool into university life. The classes are smaller, so the students get more one on one time with the teacher. The students are closer to home, so if problems arise their family is near enough to help them, while still allowing the students to begin to deal with adult issues on their own. Jr. colleges save money, and provide an opportuntiy to build an "educational resume" that makes it easier to get scholarships and be accepted into the university of their choice. Once the student has completed their time at the Jr. college they have developed the study habbits and social skills neccesary to succede in ther future educational carreer., they've been able to transition to the college life and are better able to balance school and social activities. This balance is essential for a positive college experience. Choice in universities is dependent on what field the student wishes to go into, but no matter the field, a Jr. college will be benificial in a students future success.


I would tell people to look for a place that you feel comfortable in and do not settle until you find the right fit. You will never be happy if it's not the right place for you and as a result you won't do well. Get to know your teachers and fellow students and look for organizations and a network of students to join so that you have a supportive environment. And above all just stay true to yourself and what you want and never allow anyone to convince you that you want something different or talk you into a path you're not sure you want.


analyze within yourself exactly the type of environment you are comfortable in. If you are not comfortable at school, then you won't do well. Class sizes are important as well.


Until I graduate from my college and receive the full benefit of my four years, I can't offer very much advice on how to achieve the best education. All that I can offer is that students choose somewhere that they will feel comfortable and adjust easily; somewhere that will put them on the path to success in both their career choice and the people they will meet. It's not about how far you can get away from home, or taking the easiest education. It's about knowing what you want to achieve, and proving that you are willing to work for it. Cost is large factor for both parents and students, as well, when choosing the right college. I think it should be the last item you consider, however. Without scholarship money, I would never be able to afford my books, let alone classes. Until you can pay for an education, just take out as many loans as you need, and then make sure that you succeed and find a solid career to pay them back.


When choosing an undergraduate college, one of the most important things to remember is what you want to get out of the experience. Are you going to college because you know what you want to do with your life and what degrees are necessary to accomplish that goal, or are you going to college because, well, everyone else is doing it? No matter what size college you want to attend, there really is something out there for everyone. If you know exactly what you want out of a college, look at options throughout the country to find the one or two that fit your exact wants and needs. However, if you're just going to college because it's the logical next step in life for you, it's what you had always assumed you would do, or you simply don't feel like entering the workforce yet, it may be best to choose a larger school with both a broad sampling of possible majors and concentrations and a good advising sector. That way, you can easily explore all the possibilities for your future without spending too much time or money. Good luck!


find out the best and the worst about the school you wish to attend. You never know it all but you should get the jests of the campus mood when you first stop on campus.


Definitely be aware of the career choice that you really want to pursue and stick with. Try to focus on the general electives needed during the freshman and sophomore years--by doing this, if you are having trouble adjusting to the college life, it will be easier to do the upper-level intense classes while you are accustomed to the university and your study habits during junior and senior year. Remember that academics are extremely important to your college career, but remember to have fun too. Enjoy it. It is literally, the best time of your life.


The best advise I would give to parents and students who are trying to find the right college is to trust your intuition. You can collect and compare other people's advice, experiences and as much information about a school as you want. However, the reality is that you could be happy at more than one school. The experience you will have there will be what you make of it. So honestly, trust your intuition. It really will lead you where you need to be.


Be yourself. Don't follow high-school friends, you'll make more lasting friendships at college. Just remember to keep your interests in mind and the objective goal. Have fun, but GO TO CLASS!