The upper division classes at UT are pretty small. You get to know the professors and the professors get to know you if you try a little. Students definitely study more when tests approach. Thats when they get worried. Some majors teach students how to get a job while others focus on learning for learnings sake. I don't spend time with professors outside of class other than an occasional office hour.
I might have a biased outlook being in honors programs where the class size is smaller, but we attract great faculty and have challenging academics. the education has been great, and I will be well-prepared for finding a job.
I am part of a small school, the School of Architecture, and the largest school at UT, the College of Liberal Arts. In the small school all of my professors know my name, as do some of the administrators. My Liberal Arts major is Spanish, so those classes are small and the teachers usually know my name, but I don't know any of the administration personally. Students definitely have intellectual conversations outside of class. The most unique classes are the design studios in architecture because the assignments are all projects, not tests and readings. Also, the professors work with us one-on-one every day. The education is not geared toward getting a job, but the resources are definitely available. Learning for its own sake is definitely encouraged in these two schools.
Classes start big and get smaller. Don't be too intimidated in the beginning.
UT is ranked top ten in several programs. Im in engineering so most of my experience is in that. It is very competitive and most students study a lot... I dont think the smartest students get the best grades tho but the ones who study the most.
If you have a class you really enjoy going to, try to get to know the teacher. Class participation is usually shy, and with an encouraging professor that can change. If it doesn't, DON'T be afraid to speak up and ask questions. You're not incompetent. Half the kids are probably wondering the same question, and if they're not, you only did them a favor. In my economic classes, I would always ask questions and I loved that when I got an answer, everyone in my class would write it down. See, if I hadn't asked it, they wouldn't have that little bit of knowledge. It's a little cocky but, class participation is really valuable - and your questions and inquiries have value too.
In all honesty, I've never been one to procrastinate. I made an effort not to pick up that habit also. And so far I'm pretty successful. WORK FIRST, PLAY LATER. It's difficult, but when you finally get to play, it's SO MUCH MORE FUN because you don't have those obligations and burdens boggin' you down.
Course material really depends on the professor. It's not bad if you can manage your time well. See above. Be assertive in class, but not annoying.
My favorite classes are those in which professors care about my progress and write personal comments on my work. Implications of this are definitely smaller class size and a professor who really believes in teaching. My hardest classes are those with the large class sizes. It is intimidating for me to approach professors, and it is nice to have professors bridging that intimidation by showing they really care about you through personal comments.
Academics are very challenging here, but the teachers are also very accessible.
most of my professors know their students by name; favorite classes - structural analysis, water/wastewater, air pollution, ballroom; class participation is common as well as a good amount of studying; not too competitive; academic requirements for engineers is quite high; fairly balanced when it comes to learning for our future career and learning for the sake of learning
classes are interesting. i wish i had more time to take classes for fun and for my own learning enjoyment. i think the academics are a good balance between challenging and having fun.