I know all of my professors personally, and they all know my name. Most students study on a fairly regular basis, and it's certainly necessary. I don't know about most students, but my friends and I have intellectual conversations.
Students are competitive. You will learn very quickly that you are average. If you are set on making A's throughout college, well Texas is not the school for you. The only people who I know that come out of here with 4.0s are freaks with no lives (or those who did not have to work through college). You will make Bs and Cs in some classes, and you will be a stronger student in the long run for it.
Profs will get to know your name if you go to office hours, it's easy to get lost in the crowd if all you do is go to class then go home. All the Profs I've talked to are extremely intelligent and helpful if you take some time to get to know them. I feel like UT's academic requirements are hard enough but, not restrictively so.
Our school is a very large one so for the first two years, getting to know your professors personally is something you must work on. Once you progress into your field though it is easy to get to know your professors, and find those favorite classes. Most students focus on class while in class, and then participate in their extracurriculars and extracurriculars outside of class.
UT has over 1000 active student organizations so there is something for everyone to do.
Great--many intro classes are big and inpersonal, but you get used to it. Favorite class so far--Interpersonal Communication with Dr. John Daly
In my major, students are extremely competitive. One of the reasons that I have decided to not go to medical school, at least not right now, is because of the over-competitive atmosphere. In general I have had really good professors that seem to really care about teaching. I have two favorite classes that I have taken at UT. The first was this year, a course called the Biology of Birds. It is taught by Dr. Peter English, and although I have done more work for that class than any other I have taken, he truly wants students to learn, and takes hours and hours of his own personal time to make sure each student understands and learns. My other favorite class I took sophomore year. It is called Human Sexuality and was taught by Dr. Larry Brownstein. He speaks about personal relationships a lot in his class, which really made me feel like I could apply the knowledge to my personal life.
The professors are amazing for the most part. I suppose a better teacher to student ratio could really improve the academic experience, but if a student puts for the effort and really wants to get to know a professor all they need to do is attempt to create that relationship. At UT you can find genius level students and you can find the other side of the spectrum which is students of average and lower level intelligence.
academics are good and the students are intelligent. business and engineering are great schools and so are all the honors programs. classes are big so take that into consideration too
Great class selection. Some are better than others though. And some are amazingly hard to get into because they are so good.
Hard but rewarding material taught her