The University of Texas at Austin Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


There is a great amount of activities. There are clubs and organizations to suit everyone. INtramurals here are the best and the social life around campus and down town is unparalled


I lived in an off-campus dorm, at Dobie, and visited other dorms on campus. Of course, Dobie is prettier and the activities were awesome. It was like a big high-school, instead I heard that other people that lived at on-campus dorms didn't know many people at their dorm; and I did know almost everyone. They should try and do more cool activities like that for students. A lot of my friends to this date are from Dobie.


The most popular organizations are fraternities and sororities. Many students join one, and they are highly influential on campus. There are any number of activities on campus, however, and something for everyone.


Great social life. Your first year you need to live in a dorm with a community bathroom... you will meet people better this way.


I left my dorm room open, why wouldn't you?


UT and Austin is a great place to go to school and grow up. It is a very fun city. We were the no.1 party school for a while for a reason. Downtown Austin is a huge social scene complete with 3 different streets filled with bars.


Downtown is awesome. I met my closest friends through Greek Life and events and through Student Government.


Social life at UT is one of the most fun things about it. I love going downtown, eating at all of the restaurants in Austin, and taking advantage of the outdoors. I love going to see Texas Revue every year, as well as 40 Acres Fest and Party on the Plaza.


social life is the best part about the school. too many activities to name but there is literally somethings for everyone


Social life is there. You have to be a hermit not to have some sort of social life. It's easy to make friends, if you don't have any, it's your damn fault.