The University of Texas at Austin Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at The University of Texas at Austin?


Some stereotypes are that UT students are cocky.


smart, awesome, rich, asian


laid back, good looking, casual dressers, partiers


that we are all a bunch of rednecks. that we all say 'ya'll' or speak that way. We all wear boots.


That everyone who lives in Austin is weird and liberal.


Some sterotypes of UT students are that we think we are better than other schools, and that we think we are smarter. Also, people think we are all really liberal and stuck up.


it's difficult to say..there are different groups with-in UT that have their own stereotypes but these groups can not be generalized as a whole. For instance you have the greeks that dress and act certain ways. Then there are multicultural greeks that have a completely different culture. Then there are stereotypes by major etc. like women in liberal arts, men in engineering, Asians in science. But I guess over all from a college student perspective UT is a party school?


smart, stuck up, big partiers,


Snobbs, Weird (Austin)


That the school is made up of a bunch of hippies and gays.