The University of Texas at Austin Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Texas at Austin know before they start?


If there were three skills I wish I would have acquired prior to packing my bags and heading off to campus life, they would be self -discipline, time management, and avoiding procrastination as having to take time to learn these skills held me back in academic success. In high school I was required to do homework each night in order to force information into my brain, but when I went to college these tasks were not required. I wasted a good deal of my first semester wasting time thinking I was smart enough to study less and figure out the information on my own. I learned the hard way that in order to succeed in classes, you have to put forth the work, you have to study, and even though fun opportunities are right outside your door you have to figure out when you need to say no in order to accomplish what you need to. Being an adult and deciding what I needed to do each day for myself was difficult, but if I had already acquired those skills I would have succeeded without a doubt, because that is all you need to do well in school.


I would strongly advise myself to sperate from some of the troubles I should have left in high school. Goin to college was hard for me, because I was going through so many family issues and still trying to support friends I had left behind to atleast get through high school that I began to feel guilty for leaving them. Over time I suffered and so did my school work. With work and refocusing I did what I could for all my family and friends back home and decided to move on and push forward by concerning myself more with my school work and planning for my future in education.


Jelisa robinson! Let me tell you something! when you go to college , it is nothing like high school! Be prepared to hit the ground running. Education is first and formost! Also, aceppt that you and your roomate are different and that you are in a different environment! It will be hard at first, but go to events and met new people! Also apply for more scholarships...even in college! the extra money will come in me! And embrace diversity! it's an awesome part of life! By the end of the semester you will love UT! Hook em'.


Dear Yelena Jr., You are about to step out into the real world. No one is looking out for you now; you're responsible for the achievement of your own dreams. College is going to be a game of balancing your social, academic, and extracurricular pursuits. Make sure you achieve a healthy balance of all three. You don't want to become a bland, one-sided person, nor do you want to spread yourself too thin in one area. Plan ahead, study efficiently, and choose just a few things to concentrate on (trying to do everything at once is a bad idea). You're going to have a ton of free time outside of class. Don't be decieved by this: it is often barely enough to accomplish everything you've set out to do. Make lists, timelines, or whatever you need to organize your time. Lastly, don't stress when not everything goes exactly how you expected. There are plenty of second chances, and in a university setting, there are plenty of alternate routes to get to where you want. Love, Yelena Senior


I would tell myself to not be afraid to come out of your shell. Alot of freshman at college may feel the same as you...anxious, nervous, and a little out of there element. So, there is nothing to be scared about. You are at college to meet new people and make new friends, so go out there with confidence. Also, I would warn myself against fake friends. There are several people that you will meet who will never have your best interest at heart (i.e. a wolf in sheep's clothing). Be mindful that everyone is not your friend. Although some may pretend to be, you must put them to a test just to make sure. Lastly, go out there (to school) with an open mind, be ready for new experiences, and most importantly have fun and make the most of this journey!


The best advice I would provide to prospetive college students is to never limit yourself and plan an elaborate academic and career path that is permanent. I used to be the student who thought it would be ridiculous to change majors. In fact, I had gone most of my years in one track. Yet, I ended up changing my major multiple times until I found the one I am passionate about. I would advise students to be open-minded to unexpected changes and find what you are truly passionate about, because you will be going off to a career that you will be doing for a long time. Thus, a great way to think about college is to experiment with various careers/majors, and find one that fits you most to the point you would be willing to do it for free.


The greatest mistake I made during my transition to college was delaying my FAFSA application process. FAFSA, as it turns out, provides the greater majority of financial aid that any one student will get. Because the house was being foreclosed at the time, the FAFSA was drawn out months beyond the priority date. Whatever you do, GET THAT FAFSA IN ON TIME. I'm suffering financially right now because I didn't. Good luck. :]


The first thing I would advise myself about the college and the transition is to try very hard to make a good communication with people, professors and other students. College is the great place to get education and fulfill the need to learn. There are so many sources to help us get through that. We have to always remember that all the connections we make in college might work for the best in the future. It is really helpful to form a study group and get the advantage of learning from others. Meeting other students from the higher semester is really helping. I addition to making friendships and connections, we have to keep being focused on our goals and tasks. The best result should be gained when we are determined and purposeful. Teachers and professors are there to help us to get to our academic goals and be successful. We should never give up and keep our goals high. We have to always remember to learn from our mistakes and move on.


Treat the opportunity to attend college seriously because people in other countries rarely have this opportunity. If you have an idea about the field you want to pursue, make sure you thoroughly research the field's requirements. Stay focus on finishing because allot of people in college are not there to finish. You should surround yourself with people who have goals that are similar to your own. It is easy to get discouraged but, remember that in the end it will all be worth your hard work. Work as hard as you can because your success in college will determine how easy it is to pursue an advanced degree. Take advantage of intern/externships in the field that interests you. Use these intern/externship opportunities as the start of your professional network. Most importantly, remember that you can still have fun and be successful in college.


I would have given myself a lot of advice if I could talk to myself as a high school senior. I would have said: "Chris, first of all while you are making your transition, it is extremely important to keep a positive attitude. A lot of times, especially early on, things can be uncomfortable socially. You may feel alone and isolated while you miss home and question your decision about the path you chose for college. This is normal for everybody, as they leave the comfortable environment of their senior year with a clear friends group and a comfortable schedule you are used to. But give it a few months, and your new situation will start feeling like home. You will have a schedule you constructed yourself, friends you are comfortable with, and a new sense of independence for learning and everyday activities like you have never felt before. For the first time, it will be completely on you to take charge of your life, want to learn, and want to succeed later in life. The new self-motivation will get you thinking about the future, but just make sure you orient the future around helping others."