Engineering is harder than you think
If I were to go back in time and have a conversation with myself, I would realize I was very naive and not ready for the real world. I can honestly say, I learned everything the hard way. I am a first generation college student, at a very prestigious university, and I wish I would have had a great mentor and someone to help push me in the right direction. My parents are divorced, and my mother is a single mother working three jobs just to make ends meet. She definitely never had time to help me with my homework. As for my father, he is a paralyzed brain cancer patient who is disabled and cannot help me financially or with my homework. Both of my parents, only received high school diplomas. I would go back and tell myself to utilize all my resources and go to counselor more and seek all the help I can get for studying strategies. I hit a wall with study habits, and didn't know how to study, but with my drive and determination I can accomplish anything or any challenge life throws at me.
"Me, I know you're tweaking a little about the whole college thing, but relax. You are going to get into an amazing school, you're going to have an amazing roommate, and you are going to love every single thing about your campus. Even the food. Just remember, keep an open mind to new experiences, because if I told you right now that you would be a coxswain for the NCAA rowing team, you would not believe me. You don't even know what a coxswain is right now! But you're going to be one, you're going to have the greatest teammates on campus, and you're going to love it. Crazy, right?
"Also, don't you dare procrastinate. Just don't do it. It is good for niether your health nor your grades. Speaking of health, the dreaded Freshman Fifteen? Don't even worry about it. You will eat better at school than you do at home, no joke. I know you're nervous about moving to an entirely different state, but don't worry. You're going to thrive off of the diversity, the life, the energy, and the knowledge. You'll love it!!"
Ignorance is not bliss if the outcome is struggle and I have three things to tell you that will prepare you for college. One, take the practice SAT seriously. You can get scholarships such as the Merit Award based on your score. This will help deduct some of your loan debt and even if you didn?t have to take out a loan, girl, who would pass up free money? Two, research professions and decide what kind of career you want to have. You can either look online, intern, or just ask people in different fields about their careers and how they got there. This will help you to better decide what career, college, and classes are best for you. And lastly, I would like to tell you to get out and socialize. You love high school so much now because you have several friends that you have known since elementary school. Well, in college, your days can be just as happy and fulfilled only you have to open up, put yourself out there, and get to know people. Trust me; soon enough, they will be your best friends for life or at least an interesting memory.
If i could go back as a high school senior I would tell myself that the next four years of your life will determine alot about your future and only you can make it what you want it to be. The next four years will help you grow up and learn to do things on your own and be more independent. I would warn myself though, that college is not just a time to go out because you don't have your parents around to tell you what to do. I need to find a good balance of fun and work. Work hard, play hard!
Given the chance to tell my high school senior self what I know now, I would enlighten her about the many myths talked about and the many simple pleasures one finds in college. First of all, I would inform my senior self that looks and a thin body are not all that important. Your fellow peers are intelligent, and care more about what you think than how you look. Self-discipline is a very important skill! Knowing when to stop, a trait that can be used for social AND studious situations, is extremely important and will help you succeed and make you happy at the same time! Also, that you will discover new ideas and interests that you would never have imagined you would enjoy! You will find independence. Finally, you will discover who you are, so don't be afraid of it when you make the discovery!
Study, Study. Study. Stay focus. People are going to convince you to do some many things to get you unfocused because of all the fun the social life has to offer, always remember school first play later. There are going to be a lot of new boys, it?s ok to socialize, just do not get caught up, MAJOR DISTRACTION. In college you are on your own and have a lot of freedom, Stay responsible and ask for help when needed. Don?t be afraid to step out of the box. The University is very challenging and might seem tough at times, don?t give up, remember the reason you are there, that is because everybody thought you wouldn?t make it. Believe it or not going to college is very expensive, not only because of tuition and books, but because of the extra activity that might go on around campus, if you work, please manage your time. ALWAYS apply for scholarships, what?s the worst that can happen. And ALWAYS PRAY.
To still go to UT. I have no regrets about my decision to attend this university. However, I would tell myself to put a little more effort into studying my freshman year. I would also tell myself to look into Kinesiology so that I changed my major earlier.
If I could give myself advice, I would tell myself to start becoming more responsible and independent. High school is easier than college will ever be. One thing is true, in high school teachers were on you about turning in work or reminding you about your grades. Now in college there is no one there. No one really cares except yourself. I would tell myself to start preparing to be independent and responsible without anyone reminding me. This would have saved me the trouble of procrastination and always putting things off because teachers were going to tell me how and when to do it. Now a kick to my behind I have learned to take responsibility for everything that pertains to myself. If I could have given myself this advice in high school, my life would have been a lot less stressful my first year in college.
Think about college as the key to your future. College is only a small portion of your life that determines the rest of your life, so it is important not to throw it away partying. Instead, it is important to successfully learn about the tools that will guide you through your career. Furthermore, education and social life should create a healthy balance.