The University of Texas at Austin Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Texas at Austin know before they start?


My college experience in the past semeseter has been more than I ever could have asked for. In the first semester alone, I earned a 4.0 GPA, made the College of Liberal Arts Dean's Honors list as ampla cum laude, and was sponsored by one of my professors to publish one of my philosophy papers in the UT philosophy magazine Ex Nihilo - all very significant feats for a freshman in his first semester. The campus is beautiful; it's like a city within a city. I've never felt more at home and more comfortable than when I'm on the UT campus. It's only been one semester, and already I've taken so much out of my college experience. The professors I've had have all been superb educators, remarkably effective at what they do. I've learned and experienced more in my first semester at UT than I did in an entire year in high school. The atmosphere here is delightfully academic, perfect for my tastes. I know attending UT will be the most valuable choice I've ever made because here I feel at home: a feeling that high school could not give me.


Throughout my college experience, I have gained a greater sense of self-worth. It is easy to see that when you actually put in the time and effort towards your classes, you can achieve a higher standard. By achieveing this high standard, your work is validated and you can have more pride in yourself as a college student and a human being. This soon becomes a habit and carries on into the rest of your life as you move out of college and into a career.


I have learned more about myself in a semester than I ever have before. High school was a stepping stone toward college, and learning about myself, rather than history and calculus, was very low on the totem pole. Attending such a large university, it seemed so easy to blend in and simply be another number in the crowd when I first arrived. But I not only had time to devote to myself like never before, I had a new environment to explore, new friends to explore it with, and new classes to enrich the whole experience. I've learned that I am much more independent than I thought I was; I've learned that having a good group of friends is as important as having top-notch grades; I've learned that I'm driven when I set my mind to something, compassionate when it matters, and carefree when it doesn't. Most importantly, the day I woke up and called Austin "home" to my mother, I learned that I chose the right school for me.


My college experience has been different than most. I am a recovering alcoholic and addict and have been sober for 3 years. Needless to say, most college students are all about partying so it has been very different for me to be in college. It has been a valuable experience most of all because I never thought I would make it to college. Before I got sober I never planned on graduating high school even and now because I am sober, I have made it to a university. Also, it has been very valuable to me because I have learned that just because I don't drink doesn't mean I can't have a college experience and have normal friends and do normal things. My addiction isn't a crutch, if anything it helps me because I'm very self aware and have a lot of life experience that has helped me with my classes and learning. I absolutely love college and it was the best descision I have ever made.


Out of my college experience, I have received the value of motivation. Students at my college are expected to excel especially because it is known as the top university in the state of Texas. Seeing other students use all their time studying for classes made me want to work as hard as they were. Attending a Public Ivy League university has motivated me to realize I need to do step up to the plate and work like I never have before. Succeeding at this university is a must. If a student is doing poorly in their schoolwork it is looked down upon with disgrace. In that case, The University of Texas has given me the motivation to do my best. Disappointment is the last thought I want anyone to label me with. The label I want placed upon me is a word that describes determination, value, and most of all motivation.


Although I have only studied at the University of Texas for a semester as a freshman, I have gotten so much out of my college experience. I have met so many wonderful people and have learned some excellent ideas from each and every one of my wise professors. I have already established myself in many organizations and have gained so many skills I will continue to use in my future. The University of Texas is a prestigious institution that has introduced me to many new and exciting things. It has been valuable for me to attend this school because of my aspirations to be a successful businessman in the future. McCombs is such a stellar school and it has taught me many things I wouldn't be able to learn anywhere else. Without my education from McCombs and UT, I would not amount to what I know I can achieve. All in all, the University of Texas is an absolutely outstanding university that offers me exactly what I need to succeed.


This is my second year at UT, and I've learned that no matter how bad of a slump you think you may be in, chances are, someone out there is facing worse problems than you are. The only difference is that sometimes college students feel defeated too easily, especially in the initial transition from high school to college. Being in college is a struggle, but that's the point. Not everybody is meant to go to college, and of those that do go not all have the tenacity to finish. Only the stronger ones will stick it out to the end and accomplish what they set out to do. This experience has made me a stronger person, because I've realized that when it comes to petty issues that aren't worth sweating over, you should do just that, not sweat over them. College is about bettering yourself through education and about rising above everyday struggles. I'm glad that by attending college, I've had the opportunity to become a stronger individual.


I have been influenced and pushed to my greatest ability.The Freshman Research Initiative program and emergin scholars program have opened my eyes to the world of research. I have gotten involved in amazing research that will make a difference in this world and plan to take the research to a new level. Also, the honors classes have challenged me to take material outside of the classroom to go more indepth.The atmosphere and organizations I have become involved with have made me feel at home and that i have a purpose at the university. I haven't been at school for very long but i wouldn't change it for the world.


College is a place for students to begin their educational journey. The journey contains many options, which signify choosing a career path such as in education, architecture, medicine, and more. These decisions become challenges in life that many college students face everyday. For example, few students are undecided to what their career choice will be, but there is help for these students. Whatever the situation is for any particular student, a person who wants to experience the college life will find the will in himself or herself to fight for their dreams and dedicate their time to education.I have gotten strength and dedication from my college experience. I have been an undecided student for two years, but a mistake that I made as a freshman cause me to rethink my goals and ask myself what do I really want in life. I went through many obstacles that brought my hopes down and almost made me want to stop my education. The event that turned my bad experience into a valuable college experience was the acceptance into the Honors College at the University of Houston. The knowledge I gained from my teachers gave me hope to continue with my education.


The college experience is life-changing to say the very least. I believe that no one graduates from school as the same person they were when they began their college career. For me personally, the entire experience has been quite eye opening. I'm originally from the Woodlands, Texas, a very white, suburban community. It is a very comfortable place, a place where most people believe, act, and think the same way; no one is ever pushed out of their comfort zone because most of the people who live here are constantly interacting with people who are similar to themselves. The Woodlands is a lot like a bubble in that it remains closed off from and seemingly unaware of the rest of world. When I got to college, I began to realize just how different the real world was from the one that I grew up in. I was forced to learn how to relate and talk to individuals that on the surface, I appeared to have nothing in common with. I leaned to function outside of my comfort zone and think for myself. In a nutshell, the college experience has made me a more aware and well-rounded individual.