With the honors programs, it's like going to top college with the resources and social life of a huge university -- a rare combination, especially for the price. While being part of a massive alumni network is great, (perks include being able to walk into a bar anywhere in the country wearing a longhorns tshirt and know I'll have someone to share a drink or talk football with and having the "that's a fantastic honors program -- my daughter attended" conversation during an interview) I got the greatest value from the teachers (they're the top in their fields but not arrogant or inacessible -- I'm still friends with many), diversity (with 50,000 students, you're exposed to all walks of life without even trying; more so if you're hunting for free food from student organizations), and the variety of academic opportunities (I was encouraged to take risks and experiment instead of narrowly focusing on my major. Nuclear physics or boxing journalism may not come into play in my job every day, but those electives gave me skills I use frequently, like an open mind, critical thinking, research, and communication -- plus I'll beat you in trivia).
My college experience has been filled with learning, passion and self-discovery. It certainly has been an eye-opening experience. I love the University of Austin and all it offers and I have truly fallen in love with the city of Austin itself. The University offers more than anything imaginable-the food services, amazing recreational facilities and a multitude of opportunities to get involved. After long weeks of studying and testing, there is always something to do. I love going to concerts here in the city, running alongside the lake, and going downtown. I am currently studying in the College of Education. In the three years that I have attended, I have never felt that I have learned so much. The education I receive here will truly be of value as I begin my career and move to the next step in my life. I am blessed that I am able to receive this type of education and enjoy doing so.
College has been valuable to attend for several reasons, and I have gotten a lot out of my college experience.
First, college teaches you responsibility. You do not have a parent or guardian to watch over you. This responsibility you encounter will help you transition easier into the real world. Additionally, this responsibility will help you maintain a real job and make smart decisions for your future.
College will also challenge you to think creatively. Your brain will be challenged in ways that have not been challenged before. This time will also give you time to challenge yourself and think about how you want to impact the world. College gives you the ability to challenge yourself and think what job or duty you are best suited for.
Last, college gives you the opportunity to shape yourself as a person. You are exposed to events on and off campus. These activities expose you to make new friends, learn more about yourself, and help shape the community. These activities and events expose you to people different from yourself. College is a place where people from all over come together. You are exposed to the "world" in a different way.
To describe briefly what I have gotten out of my college experience, I will begin with the most important being a very high level of academic scholarship. I have learned to better myself in every way possible with the resources at hand, as well as help my fellow students in any way possible so that we can continue to make the United States as well as the world a better place. The most important subject of life that I have learned here is that this generation that I am among is the future. We have to work as hard as we can individually as well as with each other now in order to create a successful world future. I truly believe that with working with professors and the school , I am now knowledgable of this fact. Secondly, I have come to know who I am. I am faced with problems and delimmas that are faced by our society. By being knowledgable about subject matters, I am able to form my own opinions and create my own beliefs. This experience has taught me that I do have a choice. The choices I make are what make me.
I attended my College's orientation and it benefited me well. I met potential classmates and former ones, recieved educational workshops on how the place is setup for newcomers, and established some ground with my cordinator and instructors.
I have learned to really be confident in uncomfortable situations whether I am the only person with my same color or beliefs. I have learned to make a change and not just sit back and do nothing. To make friends with different races and cultures. To be more active and to STUDY!
College allows you to become your own person and gives you the oppertunity to learn your limits and learn from your mistakes. I have learned that being on your own is a touch challenge, but eventually a high school student has to learn how to make it or break it in the real world. However, college has also taught me that you are never alone with the friends, teachers, and mentors you gain all thoughout college.
My college experience has served to greatly expand my world view and my knowledge of subjects ranging from mathematics to economics. It has also been a way to mature past that teenage stage in life, while not being completely without resources to depend on. I've made friends and contacts which will last me for life, and as such, the social networking opportunites of college are some of the most valuable assets one can attain for the future. I believe college has also greatly reinforced my life dreams, which is to practice internation law, ideally for an organization such as the International Criminal Court. College has not only gotten me closer to my dreams, but allowed me to experience things which confirm that I've made the right choice in my life.
As a junior, I considered dropping out of high school. Discontented with attending the same place every day with no change or feeling a purpose of how this would apply toward what my actual being, I desperately wanted something more. Instead of living in a mind-numbing mockery of life, I wanted to experience all corners of the earth, see all there was to see, and learn what the world was telling me was there. And in college, that’s what you get. High school gives the education necessary to attend (which is why it’s also important), but any university student can tell you that no matter what you imagined college would be, this is what it is really: a no-strings attached existence for four years of your life during which you become who you've always wanted to be. You say, do, and most importantly, THINK what you want and no one tells you otherwise. You grow unrestrained within the vast, begging-to-be-filled expanses of your mind, because at last, you are allowed a right that has always been denied: Independence. And that, if nothing else, is why it’s important to go to college.
I have come down to earth a lot, not that I was stuck up or anything before but I came from an area that was predominantly wealthy, and wasn't used to being broke. Although I must say it is easier to live at home, I have had a great time adapting and have become a fan of garage sales and promotions! Also I have learned how to balance my time even more so than in High School, I became very involved and had the opportunity to take on projects and run them myself. Although I enjoyed everything I took on, I learned very quickly that without the risk of bad grades and teacher nagging, some club members simply dissappear, which resulted in a lot of extra work on my part. Definitely don't bite off more than you can chew!