Work hard. Keep on top of projects and start days in advance. Don't try to cram in one night. You'll be too tired to even remember what you studied. Participate in something. Sports, games, groups, whatever, just be a part of your school. Don't pick a school just because that is what you and your friends think you all want to do. Pick it because it is a good fit for you and you will be happy. Your friends will be there, even if they are at another school. Do this for you.
You're doing a good job. You'll find out that you like college a lot more because no one is telling you what you have to do when you already know that. As long as you do all your work, be responsible, and have a balance in your life you'll be fine. Please take more AP classes and get more credits out of the way so you can take more classes that actually count towards your major. With so many goals, you really just want to focus and do the best at what you're passionate about, no matter what people say. As long as you have a sense of direction and you try your hardest, everything will be great.
I would tell myself to be ready to experience many new cultures and people. I would tell myself that college allows you to submerge yourself in so much diversity, more than high school can allow. I have lived in the same area (Lake Highlands) my entire life. I have not to school in the same district, have had the same friends since grade school, and I have always known my neighbors and those who live around me. Where I live and where I went to school, there isnt too much diversity all around you. Nearly everyone wore the same things, hung out at the same places, did the same thing every weekend and acted the same, and fell into their own "clicks" and groups of friends. I assumed that this trend would just carry on into college, but that was not the case at all. All of my friends in college come from completely different walks of life. Some have parents who are doctors, others have parents who didnt attend college, and some whose parents are in the military, which is completely different than high school. I wish I could go back and tell myself to be prepared!
I would advise myself not to stress out so much and be so worried about how other people got in. Simply relax and find YOUR OWN way to get accepted into college. Don't give a damn about the opinions of others, or be pressured in to believing it's their way or no way. There are always different ways to solve the puzzle, don't get discouraged and just follow the path that is most comfortable to you.
Listen when your teachers say "Preparation is the key to success". If you procrastinate it will only make things harder on you in the long run. Be prepared to face your challenges head on and make yourself a name wherever you go.
The first thing that I would tell myself would be to not take the jump from high school to college lightly. Being in high school, have the one on one attention in classes, the atmosphere, the people, and the time management are all different when you are in college. The workload in highschool may seem easy to some, and they may be able to pass by giving only half effort in certain things. College is different. You do not have the luxury of being able to study material for 20 minutes and then go and takie a test on it and expect to do well. You MUST put in the time. In highschool you have your parents reminding you daily to get your works done, but in college you have to be self motivated. You have to want to do well and succeed. There are so many distractions in college to keep you from your goal. Never lose sight of the dreams and goals that you have for yourself. College is not by any stretch easy, but if you have the ability to remain focused and keep your priorities in check you will in time be able to succeed.
As you approach the end of your senior year, make sure that you have everything taken care as far as your books purchased, classes secured, and have a positive attitude when you arrive at your new home. If you want to make the most out of your college experience make sure that you make new friends and ask for help if you need it. It's okay to feel like your lonely sometimes. It is all part of the college experience. Also, the way that you used to study in high school and the way you used to do work will not work out as well in college. You will soon find that you will have alot of free time, which you need to use wisely in order to stay on top of things in school, but not have to sacrifice your social life either. College is a whole new experience and you will make mistakes and that's okay because it is all part of the learning process. You might find it difficult at times, but just remember there are others like you going through the same situations. It's important to stay positive and never give up.
I would tell myself that applying to more than five colleges is not the best thing to do, because it wastes money, time, and the quality of an admission application. Instead, the college process would be easier and more efficient with a more narrow range of colleges. This method allows the student to place more effort and focus on fewer essays; thus, the chances of being accepted to the desired school increases. I would also advice myself to apply to more scholarships, because the cost of school can become overwhelming. The costs of books, food, clothing, and transportion are usually forgotten when considering how expensive college life will be. I would also recommend living on campus in order to establish a solid circle of friends. In addition, involvement in volunteer opportunities and clubs is essential for future medical and graduate students.
I would ask myself to be more open to opporunities and be more easy easy going. I would tell myself no to stress out, figure out a way to manage my time better, do not drown yourself in work, do not procrastinate, get more in touch with my professors, and try to get research jobs earlier. My main thing I would say is just have fun.
My advice for myself would have been first off get involved in student groups. They can be a big help and you can meet a lot of interesting people. Another big thing is to not slack off and study for every test. Don't waste your time partying, you can hang out with friends and have fun but balance the time wisely. If you don't balance it then you are stuck studying til 4 in the morning and making a C on a test. Focus in your classes and set deadlines for yourself so you aren't doing projects and research papers the night before they are due. You can scrape by if you do this but it is not beneficial for your academic career. Make friends in your classes and always attend study groups for major exams and finals. It is important to always stay focus and to get your degree. You can always have fun, good fun that is. Hang out with friends to relieve stress and relax. It's a big help to have people that are there to take your mind off things. I would tell myself, finally, that college is a blast. Enjoy it!