My advice is that the student and their parents research the schools and its values, in order to make a decision that will profit the goals and dreams of both parties.
To make the most of your college expirience visit the college campus to really see that it is a fit for you, don't go just because that is where you are getting most financial help from. The better fit that you have the better the expirience overall will be. I know that I chose my college on the homey feel that it has and that has made all the difference to my ability to work hard and succeed in my academic pursuit. Make sure you fit there both socially and academically and you will prosper in what you are doing!
Advice on Advice: Learning from those who have gone through similar experiences will always yield invaluable results. Take the time to hear people out; it is not only beneficial for you, but uplifting for those of whom you ask.
Advice for STUDENTS!
1. Start the search in advance to give yourself enough time to make decisions when you are stress-free.
2. Be patient.
3. Only pursue what you are passionate about.
4. Make a list of things that are most important to you in life and pursue those in a college.
5. Take ownership of your search?do research yourself, invest your time, and pursue things wholeheartedly. You will reap incredible satisfaction when you are through.
Advice for PARENTS!
1. Speak into the lives of your children about who they are and what they are passionate about.
2. Be authentic about your own experiences.
3. Let your children engage in discovery for themselves.
Pray...there's incredible freedom in entrusting your life to the God who created the universe. He so carefully orchestrated the way this world functions and has its being; he will most certainly orchestrate the plan of your life in ways you've never dreamed of.
I would tell the parents or students that it is important to pick the right college because if you do not then you will be miserable. It has been such a blessing being at a place where I feel comforatable. It allows me to focus on my studies and to enjoy my time with friends. I think it is important to make the most of your college experience too, but realize that you are here to learn and to receive an education. If you waste your time partying and having fun then you will miss out the reason you are at college. Realize, however, that you will make friends who will be friends for the rest of your life so do not just hole yourself up in your room to do homework. It is about balance. Your priority should be your school work but also realize that this is a once in a lifetime opprotunity. Don't waste it!
I would firstly tell them not to judge schools by mere appearances. Just because a school has a lot of money does not mean that this is the school for them. Simply having a prettier building will not give you a better education. Secondly, do not visit schools during campus previews, as this is when schools promote themselves the most. It can lead to a false depiction of the school, and your decision might be based on mere hype. Make logical decisions based on what you want to get out of a solid education and what you plan to do later in life. Sure, have fun in college, and make friends, but that will not ultimately allow you reach your goal as a professional in your field of study later on. Incorporate balance and discipline into your daily schedule at school. Come into college with a strong sense of belonging, self-awareness, personal convictions, and thirst for knowledge and adventure. Only then will you be able to take advantage of this new college environment, all the while expanding your horizons and mind. Look ahead with anticipation learn from the past, while working hard in the present.
Encourage the upcoming college student to discover what her/she wants in life. Promote and explore the desires and talents of the student and then match a college with the student?s desires instead of limiting colleges due to geographical or parental restrictions. This way the student is pursuing what he/she enjoys and is confident with the next for years of their education.
I would advise parents/students to focus on finding a school that maintains a good balance between social life and academic life. Thus, first observe what the faculty is like. Is the library up-to-date? Sit in on some classes and note the general atmosphere and setting of the campus. Also take into consideration whether the students are (as a corporate group) academically focused. And secondly, examine the social life on campus. Is it healthy (e.g. sports, exercise, the arts, group outings, honorable relationships) or unhealthy (e.g. excess of alchohol/drugs, excess emotions, excess pop-culture). Observe the students on campus, and ask yourself if those relationships are respectable and healthy. Furthermore, figure out whether the campus' social life dominates or whether it is held in balance with academic life.
In the end, to determine the right college for yourself/your child means integrating many, many factors for one final decision. My conclusion is that a primary factor in choosing the perfect college is finding one which emphasizes a healthy balance between social/campus life and academia.
My advice to you parents who are embarking upon the journey of locating the proper school that will adequately prepare your son or daughter for a lifelong career begins with one simple word, research. If you do your research diligently and couple it with some good old fashioned patience , you are sure to be successful. As you may already know there are a host of resources on the internet that can facilitate your research. Avail yourselves of every piece of pertinent information you can find without getting bogged down with the non-essentials. Of course, you will want to have both casual and formal conversations with your son or daughter as to what their goals, likes, dislikes, needs, and preferences are. Try to cover as many bases as possible. Although financing is the first thing that comes to mind with many parents, don't let that be the ruling factor initially. You may be surprised at what resources you find to help in this area. Keep all your information neatly organized as you move through the process. Remember to diligently research, be open minded, patient, conversant with your son or daughter, and hopeful that the perfect match will be found.
Students need to find the right school to suit their needs, and best educate them in their career field in life. Parents should help their kids find a school that is affordable so their student won't have a lot of debt when they graduate. The parents and student need to find a college without many bad temptations, so the student can stay focused on school and graduate with a good GPA and a lot of knowledge in their field.
I would highly recommend that parents and/or students first look closely at any and all opportunities to get an inside peek of the college. Many schools offer the opportunity to preview the campus before attending. This will give the prospective student the opportunity to get a feel for the college environment. Not only this, but it also gives the opportunity for questions and concerns to be answered. How thoroughly the school answers these questions is a good indicator of the investement the staff and administration are willing to make in their students.
I would also encourage a prospective student to look closely at the academics offered. I have watched as many students have entered their college education uncertain of what opportunities lie ahead for them. Not only this, but they are just beginning (within their Freshman year) to experience some freedoms they have not yet known. As they do this, they are discovering "who they are" and beginning to find outlets to express this. I would encourage any serious college student to wisely declare their major; assurring that it is a field that they will truly thrive in.