Towson University Top Questions

Describe the students at Towson University.


SOme of my classmates are really hard, independent workers, some of my other classmates are lazy, uncreative thinkers who cheat and do only what they have to do to get a C.


It depends on the class. A lot of times people do not participate very much, which is discouraging. I like classes where people bring new ideas and material to the table for discussion. Some of my smaller classes have more vocal students and it is usually a pretty fun learning environment.


Classmates are very kind, helpful, and friendly. There is always someone to talk to, who will listen. In every class you will make a friend.


They are meat head frat boys or ditzy sorority girls


Very liberal.


My classmates are focused maintaing the high standard of scholastic acheivement set by the classes before us according to their major.


My classmates are helpful, attentive, supportive of others and willing to form study groups so that everyone can succeed.


My classmates are very friendly and challenge the status quo.


My classmates are very nature oriented.


My classmates and I had similiar learning styles and the same career goals.