Towson University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Towson University?


They don't have enough teachers for the classes people need to take. A lot of classes I need fill up quickly so I have to wait another semester to take them. There is also too much soliciting around campus. Groups and clubs are always trying to make you buy things, donate, etc. It's not bad, I like helping, but when people are constantly screaming for you to help out, it gets extremely annoying and frustrating!!!! Hello, college students= no money!


All the construction, and everyone leaves on the weekend to either go to other colleges or back home.


probably just the parking for commuter students.


All of the professors assign papers due at the same time and expect that you treat their class as if it is the only class you are taking.


Not enough parking for commuting students. Difficult to get classes you need to graduate on time.


There are times where the University and its non-academic staff are concerned more about money than they service they provide. The result is an over-admission of students and a lack of space to accomodate them and their needs in terms of housing, and advisement.




The most frustrating thing about my school is that I have had a time figuring out my course schedule for the upcoming months.


Lack of student diversity.


The parking and how unhealthy the food is.