Towson University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Towson University?


Not always being able to get the classes you want as you begin to take the upper level classes is frustrating, and parking is a nightmare for commuter students.


Lack of certain resouces and the cost around campus for those resources. Construction to the campus is also very frustrating. There is also not enough parking for the commuter population.


Ignorant and uninterested people and transportation.


On the verge of becoming overcrowded, meals cost way too much


The classrooms are very well kept. The staff who serves food can be very nice at some places and extremely rude at other ones.


The advisors and the fact that a bachelor degree has prety much turned into a 5 year program.


Frats and Soros dont have houses on campus


The parking! It takes forever to find a spot. Students have to pay $240 for a parking permit and are not gauranteed a parking spot. I have to get to school two hours before my class starts to get a spot.