Trinity College Top Questions

Describe the students at Trinity College.


trinity's student body is not very diverse. it seems to be mostly white, preppy, wealthier kids. most of the minority students on campus pretty much stick together and have a separate world from the majority of trinity students. many of trinity students have similar backgrounds and interests which gives the image of not being very accepting of diversity.


I have not experienced anything racial or religious


Most of the students here are white. When I go out I see mostly white people. Trinity students definitely dress nice for class. Sweat pants and sweat shirts are not typical Trinity attire. Trinity students want to make a lot of money post college.


Not diverse. There are always racial problems.... not the students fault, even though we end up being punished for mishaps.


It seems like there are two different groups at Trinity, the large majority of 'typical' trinity kids, and then everyone else. The typical Trinity student is usually very economically stable. Students are generally preppy, athletic, and either went to private/boarding schools for high school or excellent public high schools. Boys wear whatever to class, ranging from sweat pants to khakis, they kind of have a typical 'new england' look (llbean, patagonia, polo, vineyard vines, sports gear). Girls tend to get more dressed up for class and spend a lot of time on appearance, even when they are in sweats they are cute looking sweats.


Most of the students at Trinity seem to have a lot of money. I would feel very uncomfortable and out of place at Trinity if I had very little money. Everyone drives a very nice car and it is obvious that kids have money.


i think that it is evident that a majority of the campus comes from wealthy backgrounds and that a lot of students went to small private schools before they attended a small, private college.


There are definite groups based on socioeconomic factors.


I think there are some tolerance issues in terms of people being very close-minded and conservative.


People at Trinity really care about causes. People care about the environment, about race, about culture, about rape, about other people. Of course, there are those who don't care...but there are definitely a fair number of people who genuinely give a shit. There's preppy kids, artsy kids, science dorks (like me), religion buffs, history-lovers, religion nerds (like me), etc etc the list goes on. There's a huge range of interests. Students are predominantly liberal, but there are definitely conservatives. Trinity is no Wesleyan.