Trinity College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Trinity College accurate?


to some extent yes


I think that the stereotypes are somewhat accurate but do not define the entire student body by any means.


I would say on average no. There may be those students at Trinity but they are certainly not the majority. There may more students who like to get dressed nicely for class that on some other campuses and Tory Burch and Barbour are staples in many girls wardrobes, but the biggest misconception about Trinity is that there is only this one type of student. You can find almost any commonly classified student at Trinity.


Somewhat, Trinity students do tend to be preppy and party animals but most of them are not so snobby except for a select few.


To a certain extent, I think this is the majority of the visible students on campus (this is, at the fraternities, where the majority of social life happens), but there are many other types of students on campus as well.


no an extent


There are certainly kids like that at Trinity, and if you've never seen people like that before (as I hadn't when I got to Trinity) it's possible to be totally overwhelmed. But though they may stand out more, those kids aren't the majority. Most Trinity kids do their work and care about their grades, regardless of their social life, and there are alternatives to Greek life, most notably the new student-run program The Fred Pfeil Community Project (aka The Fred). Next year even more student-run communities will open up on Vernon Street. Behind its preppy facade, Trinity is full of brilliant professors, engaged students, and many opportunities to shape your life in and outside of the classroom.


to some extent i think yes. There is an abundance of preppy well off students, yet there is definately a good number of students that dont fit inot this mold. I think like at any other school, there are preppy kids and kids who arent preppy, yet here its a little more extreme.




Though some people are coke-snorting, rich, preppy white studets from New England, a lot aren't. Just like at any school, there is a mix of all types of people. The small group that makes up the stereotype is present but not overwhelming.