There is no question this school has a lot of rich white snobs. However, in my time here their number has gone down and much of the campus is more down to earth and very diverse. The best proof of this is the International Hip-Hop Festival which has become extremely popular on campus and attracted all sorts of different kids to the school.
No, well- for some people they are, but on the most part, I have met some really amazing people.
As with any stereotype there is usually a kernel of truth embedded in them somewhere. There are lots of kids who went to private school and lots of kids who dress pretty preppy. However, Trinity has done an excellent job in recent years to admit a very diverse group of students. I see fewer and fewer popped collars everyday and more and more of everything else.
somewhat... there are a lot of students who fit the "trincoll" mold, but a lot of others who don't
Yes; Trinity is not a need blind institution and as a result the student body is made up mostly well to do students.
as accurate as stereotypes ever are...there is definitely a percentage of the student population that can be subsumed under these categories...but by no means the majority
Like most stereotypes, there is a kernel of truth in each of these, but they fail to accurately represent the reality of Trinity College. While many students hail from their privileged homes in the cities and surrounding suburbs of Boston, Connecticut, New York, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., Trinity students come from 43 states (a vast number are even, dare I say, West Coasters!) and 30 foreign countries. It is true that many students have attended private high schools, perhaps in greater numbers than at other colleges, and that this factor does contribute to the lower levels of racial and ethnic diversity at Trinity. But this truism cannot be held accountable for the perceived uniformity of Trinity students. Diversity at Trinity is multifaceted, taking the form of racial, ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic. More important, perhaps, is that students possess diverse interests, hobbies and aspirations?at this very moment, in a college of just 2,100 students I personally know a world-class organist of all things?and the faculty is just as riveting. The students? relationship with the city of Hartford is admittedly volatile and has room for improvement, but the administration and students make a collective effort to participate in and help to revitalize the city. Trinity?s social scene is fast-paced and fun? weekends are never dull?and much of the activity revolves around, though is not limited to, Greek life. Of all the stereotypes this is perhaps the most accurate?Trinity students are notorious for striking a balance between their studies and partying with unparalleled aptitude.