Truckee Meadows Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Truckee Meadows Community College know before they start?


If I could go back and look at my senior year in high school I would tell myself, "Hello you beautiful creature this is you from the future, yes you can touch me if you want. I am really here. You are astounding, you need to work harder at math and you shouldn't take French. You only remember how to say hello and good bye. Also tell jenny not to move in with Marlon, she hasn't met him yet. You need to experience the world. I trust you, since you are me, and I know we will make the right decisions. You need to focus on college when its college, but you need to let go and breath once in a while. Also you do not need to be such a perfectionist, you always go above and beyond what you need to do. Keep in touch with the people close to you, and learn to laugh more. Be nice to everyone and just breathe. The view at Truckee Meadows is wonderful and I know that you are going to be amazed by it." I probably would also slip in that Green Bay Packers win the superbowl.


If I could go back and give myself any advice it would be to buckle down and not to slack off. My mother worked at the high school I was at and I knew every teacher would give me extensions on my projects and let me goof off, but now I am at TMCC without my mom there to help me out. I would tell myself to get my act together and try. I took all easy classes as a senior because I did not want to do anything, that was the wrong decision and I would tell myself to pick classes that challanged me and made me work hard because that is what college is all about, working hard towards a career you are passionate about in life. If I could do it all over again I would be prepared and ready for the challenges of college that I was not ready for at first and I would not have to take some classes over now.


If I could go back in time, I would've told myself, "to stay in school." When we are young, we always assume that we know everything. I would have told myself to "stop playing the victum and get over the past. If you don't get it together now, you'll struggle in the future to accomplish your goals in life. Even though children are blessing go to college before you have them. You never know what the future will hold and you might end up raising them by yourself. The transition from high school to college will be so much harder if you don't graduate, have kids (you raise by yourself), and wait ten years to go back." Then I would tell myself, "Even with all this your goals are still accomplishable no matter what road you choose, if your willing to put in the effort. This is just my advise to me, to make it easier on me, and your beautiful kids in the future.


Dear Moriah, college is not going to be easy. To be successful in college you have to have great self discipline.You will have to understand that your college success depends on your commitment to college. Treat college like a job. Remember that this education is the key to financial success. Do not wait till the last minute to do your assingments or study for tests. Things are going to happen that you never plan for. Use a planner to plan your days. While you are planning your schedule, remember to make an entry for regular breaks and exercising. College is very challenging and intimidating. At times you may think that you are not smart enough to get through a class. Do not let this stop you. You are able to learn anything that you put your mind to, even if you have to get a help from a tutor.Tutors are there to help students. You are not a bother to them. Getting a tutor does not mean that you are stupid. Do not let your pride stop you from being successful. Do not let anything stop you from becoming a college graduate. Sincerely, Moriah


I would tell myself there is a possibility of actually going to a 4 year university and my only option isn't to just go to community college. look into schools, you can do it, don't be scared of actually going away to college. don't listen to what your family says about not being university type student. please fill out fasfa immediatley, dont wait until the last possible minute to fill it out! its particaly free money you should have done this months ago! just because you're a senior doesn't mean slack off and dont take class you think you dont need, challenge yourself to harder classes and get something out of your education!


The advice that I would give myself if I could of go back in time to high school senior year would be to always look foward with my dreams no matter the circumstances. Pay close attention to everysingle one of your classes and get questions cleared. Take all the advantages of high school classes beacuse you might have to take those classes in college. But overall, never stress about not getting things at the first time, they is always that extra help you just need to look for it. You can succeed in life.


I would have gave me advice about how teachers are more strict in college for one reason. Teachers are not here to baby us they are here to make us better and become well educated. Then I would have said to myself that I would have to work harder than I ever have before and study longer hours than I have as well. I would suggest myself to make study groups as soon as I could so I would be able to work with other classmates so we all have a good understanding of what is important to learn. Then never be late to class ever some teachers find if really disrespectful same as texting in class. Then one of the biggest things I would have told myself I would have said to never turn in projects or homework in late because teachers will not accept late work and if the teacher does it will be for half credit even if it is great work.


If i had a chance to go back to my senior year in High School, I would advice myself to take advantage of all the classes that could give me college credit. As a high school student money was never a problem. Now that im in college and I had to pay my first tuition payment just last week, I see that college really is expensive. I wish I had taken advantage of those higher level classes that could have provided me with credit to get ahead in my education. If i had known how useful those high school classes would be for me in collge I would have taken as many higher level classes as possible. Then when I get to college once again I would have a number of credits that i didnt have to pay for. I would have a better understanding of the difficulty of college and I would know to take advantage of what is in front of me.


When I look at doctors, lawyers, engineers, pharmacists, educationists, and other successful people from all other aspects of life I realize that it was education that brought them to where they are today. Therefore, I draw my inspiration from their achievements and try to work hard in school with the understanding that it is the path to success in life. As a senior at Spanish Springs High School, I would convince myself to work hard, listen to my teachers, and make sure that all my assignments are done on time and correctly to ensure I get all the points assigned to them. In this way I am preparing myself to meet the challenges of college work. I know I should have fun in school but my success in life comes first. I would not drop out like some people who were having too much fun instead of concentrating on their education. For me college education is very important. Therefore, I have to do all I can to pass my senior year and move on to get a college education that will eventually help me get a good paying job and be successful just like the people that have inspired me.


Enjoy college life at a younger age. As an older person life and family can make the process of education much more difficult to complete. Adult obligations such as bills, jobs, spouses and children tend to make education more difficult than for the young adult. Although life experiences can be of benefit to a young college student. That is where the young student should listen to the advice of family, friends and counselors. Take classes and classwork seriously, because they can effect you later in life. Find something you enjoy doing, that makes you feel good and doesn't feel like a "job". If you like animals, think about working with them as a Vet Tech or Doctor. If you like helping people, figure out how you like to help people and study medicine or public service programs. If you like tutoring or helping others with their classwork, then consider being a teacher. Never let someone else tell you that you can't do something, because as old a dog as I am now, you can do anything you want at anytime you want, but the younger someone is the more time the get to enjoy doing what they love.