Truckee Meadows Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Truckee Meadows Community College know before they start?


I would tell myself to enjoy the little moments. Enjoy the carefree life and stop dreaming about being out of the house and on my own. Life goes by way too fast and you will look back and wish you could go back and do it all again. I would make sure to tell myself that its important to keep going and not get distracted by all the peer pressure and wanting to party. Keep your goals in sight and go for them, no detours. Being 26 now, with two kids and single on top of that, I wish I wouldve had this advice when i was in high school and continued my education until I was done. Instead, I dropped it and am coming back to it . I would tell myself that I will have kids that will depend on me to take care of them and to be an example for them so I need to press on and let nothing stop me. I have to show them that they can do anything they set their mind to because I did.


I know it won't be easy financially just for the simple fact that we have 6 brothers and sisters and mom and dad can't put us all through college but it will be worth it in the end! I know you will have to work full time but thankfully the college's offer evening classes as well. Worry about having your own family when you finish school because it is harder when you have to worry about working, going to school and still making time for your child who needs you. So get with an advisor ASAP and set up a plan that you can follow and set a goal when you want each class completed. I know your dreams seem out of reach and it's hard to take school seriously thinking that you will never finish only taking a few classes a semester but it can be done and it will be rewarding! Focus on doing the best you can be and apply yourself to each class as if it is the only class you need to finish don't just settle for a C grade when you know you can do better! Good Luck Amber!


I think the best advise I would have gave to myself would have been to apply for scholarships. I did not apply for a single scholarship in highschool. I have now realized how expensive college can be. Also I think I should have researched more on the degree opportunities I had. I say this because I am now a graduate of Iowa Western Community College with a Dental Assisting certificate but I have found that there is another degree I would like to pursue that would be more suitable for me.


If I could talk to my self in high school, I would say the most important thing I have learned is to have the right priorities. When I was in high school, my priorities were really meaningless. I was worried about typical high school stuff like girls, how I looked, what other people thought of me, my social status, and how I would fit in to avoid being labeled as an outcast. I think I was worried that if I didn’t make friends and fit-in, in high school, I would end up being alone and miserable for the rest of my life. I know now, that of course is completely ridiculous. I would tell myself that most of the people who I know in high school, I will probably never see again. The majority of the things I was worried about in high school (like pimples) will have zero impact on my life once I leave. The things that are important, and what I should be focusing on in high school is… believe it or not, school! High School is only 4 years. The academic knowledge and skills I receive, however will affect the rest of my life.


My advice I would give my past high school senior self would be to actually try harder in school than doing the bare minimum. That actually taking AP classes and getting college credits would have helped me greatly. I shouldn't have taken for granted that school was free, instead I should have taken every opportunity that was there. I should have applied to more scholarships and pay attention more in class. I would tell myself that college is not easy and not free.


College life is not a walk in the park and you need to work hard to get what you want. It is okay to slack off every once in a while, but do not put off school work for to long because you do not want to fail school. Have fun and do not be afraid to make new friends or to ask for help.


I know college scares you. It’s new and total unknown territory but don’t let that deter you from going to school! Don’t make the same mistake that I did and not pursue college. Don’t wait until you’re 30-years old to figure out what you want to do with your life. You know all those wonderful drawings in your sketchbook? Or those crazy innovative ideas that you tell your best friend about but she laughs at you for thinking up such silly things? Are you still dreaming of owning your own restaurant? Take those dreams and run with them! Call a college advisor, get signed up and get a degree in Art, Entrepreneurship, or go to culinary school! A college education will open so opportunities for you. Trust me, I’ve missed a few because I didn’t have one…but it’s not too late for you. Whatever you do, believe in yourself!


If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior i would tell myself how great of a job i have done so far but to continue to try as hard as i can to get great grade and talk to other people from different colleges about what classes i can use for my degree at other places. If a class seems pointless and that i may not need it than that i should either continue with it if it is easy enough or drop it as soon as possible.


Anthony, Don’t quit school, make sure you finish. School is so much harder to balance with responsibilities of work and family. Enjoy your college years you will have so much more time after school is done to chase the dollar. You need that degree to allow you to get the job and pay that will make you happy, the short term money is just that, short term. Make sure you balance work and play, life is way too short; also it’s important to not take things to serious, believe me you won’t be left behind. You’ll have a lot of time in the rat race when you’re done with school. (sshhh) In a short amount of time all those people around you that are making a ton of money in Real Estate are going to lose it very soon, don’t believe the hype or get sucked into buying any property for at least 15 years. Most important things, stay positive, be a leader, think outside the box and be an entrepreneur because nobody will pay you your worth but you!


What I would say to myself is to take highschool very seriously. That it's much easier than college because theres teachers that acutally push us to do better in school and graduate. In college yea teachers will help you succeed but only if you ask them other than that theyll let you fail. I would tell myself to be more responsible and work hard to receive scholarships because college isn't cheap and school is very important. If i can go back to highschool i would push myself to the extreme and show the best of my ablilites to earn better grades.