Truckee Meadows Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Truckee Meadows Community College know before they start?


My advise would be, pick something your interested and just make it to class. You will feel the self worth and it will be rewarding at the end of each day.


The short easy answer would be to buy Microsoft. Since graduating in 1990 I observed investors making a fortune off Microsoft in the stock market. I would love to be able to give myself that advice and enjoy a independent wealthy life, but that is not reality. If I could give myself advice about college it would be to get my degree sooner rather than later. My decision to go directly into the workforce out of high school, get married and have children has taught me that college life probably would be a much more enjoyable experience if I had attended 20 years ago and graduated. Had I done so, I am sure there would be much more opportunities in my career than are available to me now.


The most difficult thing for me as a high school senior was facing another four years of school, being afraid of picking the wrong major and being stuck with a career that I did not enjoy. Although I went to college right after high school, I dropped out after two semesters because I did not have a clear idea of what subject to pick as a major. It was the wrong decision. I wish now that I had finished and received a Bachelor's degree in something. I have recently returned to college after having two beautiful children and finding my passion. However, pursuing my current degree would have been easier, faster and less costly had I finished my schooling directly out of high school. (Especially since Dad was willing to pay back then.) So, my advice to myself would have been to hang in there and experiment with different classes. Do not be deterred by others who say you have to pick a major. Just get that degree and you can always decide later what you want to do. Even if it is almost 20 years later!


Well first off I would have told myself to not get involved with drugs and throw away 6 years of my life. I would have to say that it is really important to go to college right out of high school so that you can get a jump on life. I wold have made mention of the fact that if you wait to go to school then when everyone else your age was buying a house and living it up you will have just been starting school. I feel that the transition would be much easier into college if you go right out of high school. The most important thing to tell kids in highschool is to work hard now so that you do not have to work hard when you are old. It is important to plan for the future and the first steping stone is your college education. Don't mess around, get busy and dont look back.


Enjoy the experience. Be prepared to study and do homework. It's not hihg school anymore, the experience is priceless.