Truckee Meadows Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Truckee Meadows Community College know before they start?


In my personal experience as a senior in high school, i did not focus in my curriculums as much as i could have. I was a procrastinator in my school work, all that spoke importance to me was to enjoy senior year by having fun and no matter what i needed to graduate. The thought of college freaked me out. I thought it would be so much more harder, boring, and just miserable. Four years have passed by since my high school graduation, i have learned quite a bit about life and the benefits that come from attending a college. If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, i would tell myself these exact words: 1) ignore the discouraging thoughts 2) ask my two smart best friends for help 3) challenge myself harder in school work and last but not least 4) take high school serious. College is fun and has more freedom than high school, plus I'll have a solid career in just a couple years and it will be worth it for me and my little family. This is the advice i would give myself back in high school.


As a senior in high school, I was very nervous about college, the classes, course work, making new friends, and the overall environment. Everything was new to me and my impression was that very few students make it through college and graduate because of how hard college is. That is true to some extent, that it is difficult in many aspects to attend college, however, if I had the chance to go back in time now and talk to my high school senior self, I would tell myself that being nervous is normal but the experience is amazing and well worth it. Nothing is impossible in college, the course work, exams, the research papers, senior thesis, as long as you put your mind to it and have “that drive” to accomplish your dreams. Having that positive mentality, college is not impossible it is just difficult. You will struggle through college, but reaching out for help by meeting people and forming study groups, attending professors’ office hours, turning to your support group when in need, and staying focused, you will make it to the end and graduate. Most importantly, have the fun that will leave lasting memories and no regrets.


Carlsbad, California 2009 graduation is today. A young girl with high expectations is looking forward to her first semester at college this coming fall. With aspirations to become a teacher, she was prettty sure she had it all figured out, little did she know. College is a time to find your self. To experience new things and broaden your horizons. Focus on yourself and finding you because you have no idea what you want. In two years time a beautiful belssing from God will come into your life and put everything on hold. She is more then worth it and the most important thing that has ever happened to you, then again two years later her little brother will make his appearence. Stay in school, so that these beautiful blessings can have eveything we did not have when we were young. You are stronger then you know, as a single mom of two children, you still have the ambition to better yours' and their lives. However, trust me, you would not change anything for the world.


I would tell myself to stay focused. I started partying my second year of college and got off track and lost all of my financial aid for a while due to dropping classes. I would tell myself to ignore the people who should up to party because they were not true friends. I would also tell myself that drinking and partying will ruin my chances at accomplishing my dreams in a short length of time. I also would have told myself to start early and take summer classes and winter classes as well. I would hope that my high school self would listen and do better


If I were able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would say; "Listen Chelsea, you are smart to the point of genius. You must stay focused on school and less on friends. Put the phone down, stay off of MySpace, and give everything you have to learning, especially math. Don't let other peple get in your way or put you down. Stop being so easily distracted with the things that are going on around you, most of it has absolutely nothing to do with you. You don't know how capable you are of making good grades. High school will be over in just a few short months and you must think of the future and come up with a plan for your life. I know you feel burned out now, but life is just beginning and nothing you're facing now will compare to what you will face in the future. You must take your determined spirit to a new level and be the best that you can be no matter what. You will thank me in the long run, and I will thank you."


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would say do not wait 15 years to go to college! You can do it and their are people their who want to help you suceed. You can follow your dreams and surpass them, no one is stopping you except for yourself. You will have the help you need just put your faith in the system and ask for help when you need it. You are smarter than you think you are and you will enjoy learning more than you ever could have imagined. Its not high school, high school is childish and pety in college you can become what you want to be no worrying about the "cool kids" its all about you!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would want to give myself advice. My most important advice would be to not slack off. Once your in college, you need to remember that this is what will determine your future. Studying and maing sure you have good grades are extremely important if you want to transfer to the university. You can''t procrastinate in college, teachers are not going to babysit you and hold your hand like they will in high school. The next set of advice I would give is to keep up with your acedemic advisor each semester. There is no sense in wasting your time with credits you will not need for your major, that is just money that could go towards another class you need. My last piece of advice would be not to sweat the small stuff. Don;t spend your time worrying about little things like going out with friends. You need to remember that college is your time to show everyone what you an do, and show yourself. It is time to grow up and plan ahead for the future.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to attend a community college before a university because it is better priced. I would also tell myself to work hard and get exccellent grades in high school, and in college because it is important to my personal success and career. I would also tell myself that taking a year off after high school was not a good idea and that I should attend college immediately.


High school is more important than what it is accredited for. I would advise myself to not get caught up with the crowd and especially not leave anything for last minute. It is possible to have outstanding grades and still have friends. Be more involved not just in sports but clubs that will look well on your resume and give you a boost in the outside world. Perhaps do more for the community and fulfill those minor dreams before the big ones are persued. Choose friends whose goals are at the same level so that all together you may help each other move up in life.


Monica, Know that nothing lasts forever. You may feel as invincible as you do now and feel as if you can party all night long and everyday. But, the truth is once you start getting older, you will realize that those times will just turn into memories and everyone will be on their way just focusing on themselves, trying to better themselves for a better future for their own families. Listen to your parents, they have more knowledge than you would think. They moved to America to create a better future for you. You now have the oppurtunity to gain more knowledge and build a good foundation for your future. Try your best to take that into consideration because, one day you too will have kids that will look up to you. Nothing will be as easy as it is after you move out of your parents home. As cliche as this all sounds, it is all true. Even if you do not listen to your parents, life will always teach and show you by the experiences you encounter.