Truckee Meadows Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Truckee Meadows Community College know before they start?


If I could go back in time and give my high-school self some advice after what I know now, there are many things I would want to say. The most important is to slow down and enjoy the changes that are happening, to remember how simple it all was and how difficult it can be. I would also encourage myself to be focused and to remember my long-term goals. I would be sure to remind myself how empowering a higher education can be and that this is the first step to adult-hood. This advice would instill the importance of accomplishing my higher-education goals. It is so important and the key to a successful and comfortable career and home life.


Keep moving forward, don't allow others to put you down, never give up, follow your dreams, keep your friends close but your enemies closer, and most important always be yourself.


i need to explore the opportunities of my life, i want to open a new career and learn and mett new people


This past semester I got a 4.0 GPA which is something I have never accomplished in both my previous years at University or in high school. I felt a great sense of pride and I also felt more motivation to continue to apply myself and do my very best throughout the next couple of years. This is why I wanted to return to school and finish with a valuable degree in the first place, to have that sense of pride and accomplishment.


If instead of thinking of being a pro soccer player and take the time to study in math and english you can place higher in your tests, and earn the skills you need to know for your colloge life . You will be able to exal with ease and be the doctor you know you could be.


I would definetly seek the advise of a couselor and have a more concrete plan on what goals i want to achieve and when i want to achieve them.


High school was certainly an incredible learning experience, but I feel I was not fully prepared. I did not save my money. School is expensive and I didn't work all through high school to have nothing to show for it. I now have to work full time just to keep up my current exspenses and pay for text books. I no longer have time to do anything else. Work. School. Sleep. Repeat. This daily occurrence is wearing me out! Not to mention I had no idea how much reading was going to be required. I used to love to read and now any book puts me to sleep. If there is any advice I would not only give to myself but to others also, it is these two things. First, look ahead. College is a long term investment. An investment that will hopefully prove fruitful, so plan your finances wisely. There is no stress like financial stress. Second, do the reading assignments when do. The overwhelming feeling from being behind in assignments can be discribed as filling you from head to toe with gulit and pressure. It is exhausting. Heed my words and learn from this lesson.


My experience since leaving high school has helped me to learn invaluable lessons that I would give anything to have known at the age of 17 when I received my diploma. If I could say anything to myself as a high school senior, I would tell my 17-year-old self that she is a person who should always have hope for her future. You see, that version of my self endured a horribly dysfunctional home life and her spirit was broken. She somehow coped with it by telling herself that she deserved it, and that since her family didn't support her it must be for good reason. She always had a little voice in the back of her head saying "That's just not right!" but the pain and suffering only increased upon listening to that voice. What my 17-year-old self needed to hear, and what I would compassionately tell her is this: "You are an intelligent and capable human being; you have unending amounts of potential . When you become a writer, these experiences will provide you with the rare ability to be compassionate, empathetic, and selfless. You are much stronger than you can possibly imagine."


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that I needed to sign up for math classes and stay caught up with math, because it's not my best subject and need all the practice I can get. I would also tell myself to continue playing softball through my senior year, and try to get a scholarship. I would tell myself that, even though my schedule would be tight, to volunteer, do what I can to give back to the community. But most importantly, I would tell myself to get involved at school, take it seriously, but still have fun.


The one piece of advice I could give to a high school senior is to learn time management. College is a new fun experience, and planning is key to enjoying it. Most of your time will be spent in class, working on homework, and possibly working a full or part time job. That leaving not much time to play. In order to enjoy the college experience manage your time well. Reading or taking a trip to the computer lab between classes will save you time that you would have had to put aside at home. Managing time also relieves stress. If there were one thing I could redo it would be to use my time more effectively so that I could have enjoyed my freshman year a bit more.