Pick somewhere you would be proud of graduating from not somewhere you would just think would be fun.
I think that visiting schools close to the time of decision is important- visiting 2 years before you have to decide is not the smartest way to do it.
Tulane provides a rigorous academic program for those who are willing to take advantage of it. The professors are all brilliant and incredibly helpful, and it is easy to form personal relationships with them. The campus is absolutely beautiful, and every Tulane student exhibits his/her pride in the school on a daily basis. Housing, while somewhat difficult to get, is quite satisfactory. Meal plans are not terribly varied but the food has greatly improved in quality recently. The area around campus provides lots of different activities for all interests. While the social life at Tulane is very alcohol-focused, it's not impossible for students to enjoy themselves without participating in this seedier aspect of Tulane. For all its problems with the administration, the department of financial aid, the housing office, and student programs, the academics at Tulane more than compensate.
I would suggest that a student not be afraid to look at more expensive private colleges. They might find that the financial aid packages from these institutions exceed those offered at large public universities.
Next, I would suggest that looking beyond his or her area of origin be considered. It is by moving away from those places, people, and things that are familiar that a person can discver what he or she is capable of as an undividual.
Don't be afraid of failue. It is not the end of the world if you find that the first school you attend is not a good fit. There are worse things then transfering. That goes for courses too. Stretch youself. If somethig doesn't work for you, something else will.
You can analyze and consider your school choice as much as you want but in the end you just have to do what feels right. College is an important part of the next few years of your life and ultimately your happiness is the most important thing. Most people come to college unsure of themselves and change majors several times over the course of their college careers; unless you are absolutely sure of what you are going to do and are applying on the strength of a specific program, you really can only choose based on what feels like it fits. don't just apply to a bunch of schools that your parents want you to go to, college is for you and you have to choose for yourself. Also, you can read as many guidebooks as you like , but only visiting a school can give you a true sense of what it's like there. I recommend spending a weekend on campus and sitting in on classes before you make your final decision. I made my choice while visiting. After a few days on campus I didn't want to leave and now could never envision going anywhere else.
To really try and look past the "name" of the school. No matter how many people have heard of the school, the only way of succeeding after its all over is how much you've taken out of what you've been taught. Don't freak out about getting into college, everyone finds something right in the end. And when you get all the freshman year partying out of the way, get ready to buckle down.
Go with the school that you feeel most comfortable at. You want to make the most of your college experience and the only way you'll do that well is by choosing the school that you feel at home at. Thats the best advice I could give anyone looking at colleges now. Good luck!
Finding the right college takes more than having the necessary grades and G.P.A.. College is an experience and it is 4 (or 3 or 5!) years of life that is as important as any other, so students should take the time to find one that fits well. Although academics is the primary goal, life involves more than learning in the classroom. People learn from the friends they make, the clubs and extracurricular activities they join, and the new environment they are in, so they should make sure that life at school is one they will enjoy.
Remember to speak to the professors because they will be important teachers (and giving you the grades). Speak to the students attending the schools and ask them what they like and dislike. Ask questions! Sit in on a few of the classes if possible. Base your decisions on more than academic prestige because it can be difficult to succeed at any college if someone is unhappy with life at school.
Follow your instinct and be sure to visit as many schools as possible. Don't judge a school by its superficial appearance or stereotypes because chances are it has so much more to offer.
You have to follow your heart and do what your gut tells you, that is where you will be the happiest. When you walk onto that one campus, you'll know. Best of luck and it will be amazing!