Tulane University of Louisiana Top Questions

What should every freshman at Tulane University of Louisiana know before they start?


Be sure to ask students who attend the school first. Not just the guides who lead the tours but the actual students, the guides lie and the students usually give a better idea of what the school really is.


I suggest visiting all of the schools and giving the ones that you do not think you would actually go to a chance. I had no idea what to expect out of Tulane when I was a freshman, but now I realize that if you make an effort to enjoy yourself, you will.


Make certain to pick a college off of what you are aiming for in an education as well as the programs and experiences they have to offer and make sure to not pick a college due to it's location or friends you know attending it, remember you will be there for many years. And to assure you get the most out of your education meet with you advisor often and from the jump start make sure you have a course check list that way you will know that the classes you take count towards you degree so you can finish in time!


Students searching for the right college should take into account what type of situation would benefit them the most. Whether the student chooses a rural setting or a city setting, choosing the right type of college is important. Make sure there are plenty of activities to do on and off campus, so the student can escape the pressures of school for a while. Another important thing to remember is to visit the college or university the student wants to attend. Making sure the campus resembles the brochure is important because pictures can be deceiving. A campus that has easy access to groceries, banks, video stores, etc. is important for the student who does not have a car or another method of transportation. A student who makes the most of the college experience is one who becomes active in extracurricular activites, while still completing his or her course load. If the student makes sure to get involved in campus activities, then he or she will be able to enjoy all that college offers.


Do your research. There is no bigger mistake than choosing a school for some arbitrary reason, such as legacy, social life, location, etc. This is your time to start your life; make sure you put the time and consideration that it deserves. You should understand that going to college doesn't have to mean spending every day and night in the library, but it also doesn't suggest that you should be out all night every night partying. Find your balance.


Finding a college is really all about finding a place that you are comfortable with. You should choose a place that you love and that is right for you. Also, choose a place that is going to be challenging and give you the tools to be able to achieve what you want. It is also important to find a place where you will be able to also have fun and meet new people and do new and exciting things!