You can do well at almost any school if you set out to learn. I'd recommend going to a smaller school where the emphasis is on small classes and student-teacher relationships. "Big name" schools with professors that aren't interested in their students aren't as great as advertised.
Make sure to visit college to make sure it is a good fit.
If you know your area of study be sure the school offers it and that the department is good
Know the make up of the students and faculty, the size of the classes, and academic help
Examine the tuition and possible scholarships or financial aid opportunities in order to pay for school
Join a lot of clubs freshman year to find the ones that interest you most
Take part in a lot of on campus and off campus activities to get the most of your environment
Take classes in subjects that interest you, such as dance, foreign languages, art etc just to see what they are like
Make sure to get an internship
Network with students, professors and alumni
I can not imphasize enough how important it is to research the academics and courses offered at the University you plan to attend so it is not a surprise when you do not receive the challenges or life experience you were expecting out of your College life, and ask students who have acctually attended the school how their experience was, they are usually more than willing to give a report both because they will be satisfied or will head a warning to not attend that achool. Then try to not let financing be a deal breaker go to the school you desire to learn and grow at, consider the loans an investment into your future, and stray away from considering the town or city you idealy see yourself in college at because that will open ones self up to the opportunity of disapointment in the College where they are.
Do not limit your options. Look outside of your comfort zone and do not be afraid to follow your heart. Do everything that you want, do not have regrets. And have fun!!!
Look for a place where you know you'll get all the support your might need. Everyone has different needs, so be careful to evaluate your own before you start your search!
One of the most important things to do while in the college selection process is to visit the school (at a time when school is in session). I was interested in attending Tulane, but when I went to New Orleans and explored the campus and the city, I immediately fell in love with what I experienced for that weekend. It is important to see the environment of where you could be living for months at a time. Although I did not do this, I think it would also be helpful to stay with a student for a weekend. Not only would one get a feeling of the surrounding area, but also get a general feel of the student population. One would be able to experience a social scene and get a sense of how the students of the particular campus are able to manage their work for the upcoming week.
Have fun! Enjoy the best four years of your life and find a place where you think you will learn, grow, and enjoy yourself.
think about what you are looking for out of college
When I first started college many people told me to take a lot of diverse classes and seek out different kinds of experiences to figure out what I wanted. I ended up listening to my parents who thought I needed to pick a major quickly and stay with it in order to finish in four years and stay on budget. It turns out there is plenty of time to take a variety of classes and figure out what you want to do and still finish in four years. It's hard to know at eighteen or nineteen what you want to do for the rest of your life. You have time to explore--that's what college is for. Just relax and try to take in as much as possible.
Another thing to keep in mind is that there are many great schools that don't have nationwide reputations. It is important to search for schools that offer the opportunities and experience you want but do not immediately come to mind. Looking back I wish I had looked harder for what I wanted in a school instead of just applying to a few schools that I already knew about.