Union College-Schenectady Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Union College-Schenectady accurate?


It is true that the majority of the student body is white, rich kids, However not everyone is overly preppy or went to prep schools, there are a lot of kids here with financial aid, and there is a good percentage of the school that is from a minority group. As for greek life, it is big on campus but it isn't overbearing and the stereotype that people drink a lot is true, but I would say that is true on every college campus....yes even dry ones!


For the most part


There is definitely a lack of diversity


Pretty much.


for the most part yes, but it is not to difficult to get away from them if you want to


Yes the majority of students are rich and yes most of the students that Union appeals to are very snotty. We do tend to have a lot of partys and fun here!


NO. Only 3{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students pay the whole $50k bill, while rest receive some form of financial aid. Drinking is definitely a big part of the life here, but there are all kinds of students, doing all kinds of things you can imagine on a diverse campus of 2000+ students.


There are quite a few wealthy, white kids whose families have been coming to Union for generations but I feel that Union is a changing school. The freshmen class this year has the highest diversity percentage in Union's history and I've made friends with many more ethnically diverse students than I ever had in the past.


Alot of people are. There are alot of the "cool jock kids" from high school, that can be a good and bad thing.


For the most part, yes, however not all of the frat boys are sketchy and not all of the sorority girls are snobby, as with anything really. However, you can find all sorts of different groups of people hidden throughout campus who aren't necessarily like the above. You just have to look and may find yourself pleasantly surprised.