Union College-Schenectady Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Union College-Schenectady accurate?


Absolutely. There are some interesting people, but you have to hunt them out.




Union is pretty clean-cut. There are few people with brightly dyed hair, or lots of tatoos and piercings, but that doesn't mean nobody. It's a pretty large party school, but only as much as you make it, and the same goes for frats - something is usually open on the weekends, but there is no obligation to go or pledge.


In some cases they are. However, many of the students who attend are here on scholarship and are not from a lot of money. Most people you meet here are really nice and not stuck up.


I don't think that Greek life is as big as it once was, so that stereotype is pretty much gone. I'm sure that other stereotypes are true to some extent, or else they wouldn't exist, but I don't think that they necessarily define who any given person is.


1) Apathetic-somewhat 2) Alcoholic-generally 3) Sheltered-mostly


I would say that every stereotype has some truth in it and the ones about Union are no different. The school does have a great engineering program and many students are involved in it however, I would say that every department at this school is strong. The Sciences and maths are just more popular and well known, but I for instance am thinking of being a theater major, and all the arts programs are very strong and all the teachers in the theater program are professionals. Union is also not very diverse but the school is striving to change, and not everyone who attends Union is rich and preppy, it is true that there are students who are but it is not everyone and I find the mix of students and cultures appealing here. I do wish it was more diverse, but at least the school recognises that, that it a problem they need to fix.


This is true for part of the union college population, but there is a huge number of students that do not fit this description and who are individuals and have bigger cares such as the environment and social and political action. Union students can often appear to be apathetic to most things but are always curious to learn if people offer them the information.


not always


Most of the body is white in skin tone, and most students do come from a middle class family