Union University Top Questions

Describe the students at Union University.


My classmates are fun, studious, and career-minded.


Very friendly, helpful, and loving; they seek to learn new things and share them with others, encouraging and edifying their friends to do the best that we all can while continuing to gain new experiences and let the world know what they find.


My classmates are focused, determined individuals who follow Christ and are not afraid to have fun.


As I mentioned earlier, my classmates care about each other. Especially when you start the classes for your major, your classmates become close friends and we look out for each other. We are always there to help each other out becaue we are going through the same things. I know in the Social Work program the students I'm with are compassionate, and they truly care about the things we are learning. They are hard workers and they value their education. We care about the community we serve too.


My classmates are well-rounded, world travelers with genuine curiosity and a desire to learn and impact the world for Jesus Christ.


Friendly, helpful, competitive, and academically challenging.


My classmates are very diverse but unified.


Lots of the students are Born Again, Christians, and show this in the way they live , and their ministry spirit.


For the most part, my classmates are upper middle class christian young adults that are academically driven.


Some are friendly, some are stand-offish and stuck up, and some are just awesome.