Let your kids go somewhere they want to go, don't force them.
Do something you enjoy
?We must remember that one man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest school.? -Thucydides
I encourage the students I mentor to consider what they are willing to sacrifice for their goals. From my experience at the US Air Force Academy, I can tell them sacrifice and dedication will take them anywhere they can imagine going. If they dedicate themselves to sincere leadership and excellence in high school, they will have their pick of universities and colleges. If they dedicate themselves to military service they can use the GI bill to further their education. If they are willing to make sacrifices in school, they can travel the world as respected professionals when they graduate. Associating with others who have the same drive and high goals will make the journey worthwhile and will draw them close to a caliber of people few will ever know. Value integrity, service, and excellence; demand that those around you do the same. Your experience will be unmatched.
?Never never never stop being ambitious. You have but one life. Live it to the full of glory and be willing to pay." -General George S. Patton Jr.
When it comes to the Academy, you better know you want to go there and make the military your life - if you put anything less then 2008{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} into it, you wont make it.
Cost and the ability to find a money-making job tend to heavily factor into a recent high-school graduate decision on which college and major he or she should choose. While those factors are important, I would place a higher emphasis on happiness when making an education decision. No amount of financial savings can make up for a lack of happiness.
College is a life-shaping experience that will determine what course you will head the rest of your life. The friends you make, the experiences you have, and the knowledge gained all affect who you will be later in life. When you choose a college, pick one that best fits your long term goals and who you want to be. When you visit a college, ask them what should make you want to choose them for your undergraduate education. You are the one interviewing them and use their answers to decide which college you will attend. Focus not only on the educational ooportunities offered, but also the extracurricular activities like clubs and intramurals or Greek life on campus. Location is also key- availability of off-campus housing that is relatively close and proximity to cities with a nightlife or sports teams might be important to you as well. Don't pick schools based off popularity or what other friends are doing- most people make many new friends at college and find people with similar academic interests and hobbies. Good luck and have fun.
Realize that this is your life and take charge of it. When looking for a school, really think about what you want to get out of it--and don't just look at the academics. College life is a chance to develop yourself on the whole-person level, not simply jam as much knowledge into your brain as possible in 4 years. Take the time to check the school out for yourself by spending at least 2 weekdays at the campus and attending classes with a student who's in the same major in which you're interested. Visit the school with an open mind and imagine yourself in every situation you see and how much you would get out of those situations. You will be at the school you choose for the next 4 years, and no one but you can make those 4 years work in your favor. Go to a school that will force you to grow as a person and get the most out of your life.
Best way to figure out whether or not you want to commit to the is by going and visiting. The style of life there is far different than any civilian college, far different even from a ROTC program at another school.
Don't do things for other people. Go to the school that suits YOU, not your parents, not your friends. It's your life; don't let anyone pressure you to go somewhere just because they graduated from there. Take the classes that interest you. Boring classes usually lead to bad grades. And to make the most of your experience, join clubs, meet people, and don't be shy. If you hide in your room playing video games all day and night, you'll never get to experience what you school has to offer. Volunteer and have FUN!