United States Air Force Academy Top Questions

What should every freshman at United States Air Force Academy know before they start?


If there was one piece of advice that I could impart on furture students considering on furthering their education into college it would be to pick a school that is tailored specificallyto what you intend on doing in the future. Don't pick a school that is strictly about partying, drinking, and a big social life, those experiences will be with you allof your life, but the four years after graduating are what someconsider your most important becasue it is what you do in college that sets you up for a job, financial security and a safety net thatyou can build upon. It is true that you will never forget your college years, but why not make those college years fun as well as a time where you further your education to set yourself up for a bright future? Pick the school that best suits you academically and tailored specifically to your major.


Make sure that it's what the student wants. Make an informed decision after speaking with current students, faculty and those who live in the area.


The first thing that student needs to do is to figure out what kind of career they are looking into going. The second thing is to choose a school that specializes in that career whether it be engineering, business administration, Pre-Med, Pre-Law, etc. Also, if they need money find scholarships or jobs they can get now. Try your hardest not to take a student loan because its just another thing that you will have to pay when you graduate. But the best thing that you can do as a parent and a student is to visit the college. Visit on the "tour" or whatever the school has planned, but also go there during the week and ask the students attending that college what they feel about it. In regards to the college experience portion of this question, get involved in your school. Clubs are a great way to meet people and could start a life long activity. Do not get so focused on school that you will miss the true fun that is present in college. You will work all your life, enjoy it while you can. Work hard and play hard. thats my motto.


Think less about how much fun you expect to have at the college you are choosing and start thinking about the financial implications more. The student needs to set some goals and have a good idea of what career they want to pursue. The college they pick should be completely focused around what they plan to do.