University of Advancing Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Advancing Technology know before they start?


Go for what you will enjoy not what makes money.


Research to death. Look at every aspect of the school and make sure it fits what you want. Know what it is you are looking for, and don't settle, colleges are everywhere, there is no reason to settle for a school that doesn't fit your exact needs. Make sure it works out financially as well, don't choose a school that you know you can't afford, and don't go very cheap if you know you can do better. Make numerous visits and ask everyone from graduates, new students, and ones who have been there for a while, as well as teachers and staff to get a complete view of what every aspect of the school is like. My biggest piece of advice is don't settle, be completely satisfied with your decision. College is a very important part of a person's life and since not everyone can go to college, make sure you will have the best experience that you can have while furthering your education so that you can be the most succesful person you can be.


Parents should be supportive and helpful with their children in finding the right college, even if they do not agree with their children's choice. Instead of leaving their kids high and dry, parents should offer advice, and let their kids know that they want to help them work towards a bright future. Students, on the other hand, should appreciate their parents support, but not to be dependent on it. Any disagreements in money or location are miniscule when compared against the knowledge of having a parent's blessing and support with a final choice. When it comes to examining specific colleges, it is important to look beyond an academic reputation, and to examine the social atmostphere that the student will be immersed in. The college lifestyle is one of both academic learning as well as social maturing, and thus a decision should not be derived purely based on the academic benefits that a student can gain. Another important factor to consider is the level of independence a student will have at any given college. This feature is often times overlooked and leads to excessive amounts of stress when a student fully realizes the true scope of their evironment/situation.


Search for a college that is friendly, and has a nice atmosphere. If you go somewhere that you don't like the facility or people then you will most likely end up dropping out. Also check for accreditation in the field of study you want to pursue.


Finding the right college is as much a decision of the right program for a student as how the student feels on the campus and in the surrounding areas. If the student is not comfortable with even one of these, it does not matter how prestigious the school is, the student will probably not achieve their full potential. To make the most of the college experience, the student must balance and manage their time so that they can succeed in school, but also take advantage of the events, activities, and offerings of the school as a whole and the town/city the school is located in. The last thing anyone looking back at a time in their life should be thinking is that they should have done more with the time they had available to them. That would be my advice for new college students.


Know what you want and take every locial step to get to your desired goal.


Go to the school for a tour and activities, ask a lot of questions about every single detail of the school.


Do what you love. College is not about how many frat parties or how many soroity chick you sleep with. College is about getting the qualifications to do what you love for a living. Finding that "Perfect" school is really not that hard. Just google what ever you love with college after it and most likely you will find something. College is supposed to get you into the field of working and getting on with your life. To do that you must take classes that will be beneficial to yourself and your future career. find a school that will cut most of the crap and give you what you need to know how to do what you love. i.e. my girlfriend has to take a texas history class to become a dental hyginest. How does that make her a better dentist, well it doesn't. One phrase, find that school that will help you know what and how to do what you love.


Self motivation and determination are the qualities that will carry you (or your child) into their chosen career fields. Pick a college that suits you and your needs. Travel to as many colleges while in high school. Apply to twice as many as you visited. Know that the college isn't going to hand you a job or a degree without hard work and dedication.


When searching for the right college, make sure you visit it. Visiting a campus can give you a certain vibe on what the school is like and whether it is right for you. To make the most out of the college experience, I would have to say you should work hard and be involved with the school community. Being apart of clubs (even if it is one) gives you a sense of belonging that is priceless, being apart of the school Student Government is really rewarding because you can help change the school to be the perfect school. Also, I would say, don't try to attent parties on a weekly basis unless you have time for it, stay focused on why you came to the college and what you want to get out of it.