I believe that I am pretty well informed about Ashford University at this point. I will be starting classes in January and so far everyone there has been extremely helpful and a joy to work with. It would be helpful to have a little more information on the website about online classes; how it works, the requirements, costs involved. So far I am happy with the school and look forward to starting classes to work towards my goal of becomming a dietitian.
I wish I had known a year ago that this school offered the course I was interested in and I would be almost finished with my degree by now.
I love this school and would recomend this school to anyone interested in going to school on-line.
I wish I had known about how many scholarships and grants are out there to receive a degree before I came to this school or I would havbe sign up for school a long time ago. I wish I known how easy and convenient online Ashford University would be and how helpful the staff and teachers are in making sure you complete your school with good understanding.
I am currently enrolled in the online program at Ashford University and I wish I had known that learning on your own is much more difficult than I could've ever imagined. My advice would be to make sure that you are a strong inpdependent worker and also that you shouldn't mind studying and doing all of your assignments all alone. When we turn assignments in then you can converse with your classmates. It also requires you to be a very visual person. If you're an auditory learner online learning isn't for you.
I really wish I would have know the flexibilty of taking online courses, I would of doen this years ago had I researched it a long time ago. It is really nice being able to pretty much set your own hours. If you have the motivation, and you have high goals for yourself I would highly recommend Ashford, I am really impressed and please with the advisors and the professors. I like the class size and how freindly everyone has been!
I was pretty well prepared before hand.
I think the most challenging part about going to this school is doing it online. It is something very new to me. I wish I had known a little bit more about computers, before I came to this school. It has been a sort of trial and error process for me thus far.
So far I have no regrets about choosing Ashford. I did a lot of research before I decided on Ashford. No other college could meet my requirements.
Time management is probably the best thing to have when you are attending college. Trying to balance school, work, and family. That can be a little tricky, so stay focused.