(Formerly Ashford University)

University of Arizona Global Campus Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I am a non-traditional student obtaining my degree online. I have attended other colleges (a community college and a university) where I lived on campus.


I wish I knew how much more difficult it would be to go to college later rather than going right after graduating from high school.


That the financial aid I was told I had qualified for did not cover all the charges each term or leave enough for books. I would have chosen a school that I would have qualified for a scholarship at instead of having to take two student loans and a pell grant each semester. I would have chosen a better financial advisor he is absolutely no help whatsoever. He did not even know where I should look for additional funding when I asked so I could reduce my full time job to a part time. The academic advisor has been incredible.


I wish I had knew that it is cheaper attending school in State than out of State. I also did not realized that it would be as difficult and expensive as it has been to travel back and forth from Clinton to Denver. Commuting has been very difficult and extremely expensive.


I knew all I needed to before continuing with admissions.


Since this campus offers online courses, my wish is for better research and writing skills which would allow better grades. Also a better understanding of time management to complete work in a timely manner.


Honestly, I cannot complain about anything that I have experienced so far with the school. Everything that I was told about the school has been true and it was been a wonderful decision for me to start here with Ashford University.


I didn't know anything about Ashford University and everything I have learned has been awesome.


I wish my parent could have given me more financial advise and guidance towards my major.


As a senior in high school, I look back fondly at almost all of my classes and wished I would have taken my studies more seriously. Because I would of had more discipline to better prepare myself for college and the challenges it holds.