The science classes here are graded on a normal curve, which is unreasonable. There is a huge demand for healthcare professionals in the world; however, many students are turned away by their discouraging grades. Only 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the students in my organic chemistry class will receive an A even though the work output of every individual is above and beyond any class. The professors should not focus on their grading statistics so much as they should focus on helping their students learn the material. Professors should get bonuses, rewarded, for helping students earn excellent scores on the MCAT, PCAT, DAT, etc. There should be no incentive to grade students harshly if the whole class is doing well.
The academics at Arizona are good. It is good to know your professors name because in many of the first year classes that is a typical question on a quiz or test. My favorite class is an Upper division classics class. Dr. Soren not only teaches the information but incorporates humor into the lecture. Class participation is more common in gen ed classes but it is never discouraged. My major is physiology. It is a rigorous major, but it keeps me on my toes. If your not willing to dedicate time to studying, don't take this major. The academic requirements definitely vary throughout the majors as well as if it is geared towards getting a job or for learning. In the business college I feel like they are more geared towards getting a job but in physiology, since you basically have to go to grad school or med school to make the degree worthwhile its more geared towards learning.
There is a wide variety of students and academia at the U of A. There are so many wonderful programs and majors, and if you get involved you will enjoy every minute of it. Of course, everyone is different, and so there are some students that are here for socializing, some that are here solely for academics, and some that balance both!
Academics at Arizona I feel can be really hard, or sometimes easy. I feel Arizona has a great variety of classes and offers a lot for students.
The business school is real great. We are ranked pretty high most of the time. Other than that, classes aren't real tough.
I have never felt that I cannot approach any of my professors. They have all been very welcoming in my fours years of attendance and I have made some close connections. I have found my major to be very hit or miss with some of its classes. As an art major I have been disappointed to find that creativity is often the only priority and the craft is left unacknowledged.
GE required courses and lower division classes in any major are usually taught in huge (300+) lectures. However, once you get into upper division courses, and if you take colloquiums, discussion-based courses, or labs, you definitely get to know your professors or TAs (and likewise).
My friends and I definitely have intellectual discussions outside of class time...those are the best opportunities for learning, in my opinion.
My favorite class outside of my major was Drugs & Society. It is a public health course and it is awesome!
I majored in physiology, and I have had an incredibly positive experience with the faculty and department staff. They are really interested in your career and personal success. I wouldn't trade my major for anything!
Lectures are too big for professors to notice one student in class. At the same time office hours are available to get any help needed. Small discussion classes are just like a high school environment but with an accelerated speed.
I feel like even in my lecure classes, most of my teachers do their best to learn their students names. My favorite class this semester is The Physical Universe with Professor Prather because even though it is challenging, his teaching really helps to make the information interesting and fun to learn about. My least favorite class is Middle Eastern Humanities with Professor Dykgraaf because her lectures are uninteresting and boring.
I really like the classes here at the U of A. I enjoy my lecture halls because I can always find someone to study with, and because most lectures meet for a discussion with a smaller group, I can still get personal attention from a teacher. For the most part my professors know my name, and I always feel comfortable asking them for help. I find that students have intellectual conversations outside of class because so many national and local issues affect college students. My favorite class is Spanish 325 because it helps me to improve my proficiency in the spanish language, and I absolutely love my teacher. I feel the education at Arizona is geared more toward getting a career in the future.